Pencil Whip'd Logbook Entries ...

That is not entirely true.

A friend of mine has that same red label on his info in the database. He flies for a major carrier and just recently (month ago) upgraded to Captain and added a new type. While he had an action pending, or at least was under review by the FAA a few years ago, he is not currently under action or pending action......but the red label remains.
Then give your friend the same advice I gave Henning when that label appeared on his file -- contact the Airman Certification Branch at (866) 878-2498 and find out why it's still there before someone gets the wrong idea, because it should have been removed once that past action was resolved.
I am saying that you are giving incomplete information as author active fact which could cAuse a loss which is defamation of character. Even if I lost, the suit would cost me next to nothing and you a minimum of $10k to defend.

Threatening on an internet web board??

You feel that someone said something that was incorrect, so you'll sue them?

An "author active fact?"

You think that incorrect information on a public web board is "defamation of character?"

You're qualified as a pilot in command, which means that you take responsibility for yourself. If you can't verify your information rather than taking everything at face value (and then threatening to sue if it's not 100% correct), you've no business flying an aircraft, piloting a boat, or driving a car, either.

You actually threatened someone with a law suit for making a statement with which you disagree, on a public internet board. Wow.
> You actually threatened someone with a law suit for making a statement with
> which you disagree, on a public internet board. Wow.

> You actually threatened someone with a law suit for making a statement with
> which you disagree, on a public internet board. Wow.


When it is false and defamatory yes. People from this and other boards we both frequent look me up on that data base (a PM over that thread is how I found out I had that attachment). People on this board hire me for buyers and pilot services. That is part of my income stream. Ron posts as an expert in all things FAA both regulatory and operational, Law and Insurance, he is never wrong. His inaccurate and misleading statement with regards to that comment could have cost me money. His freedom of speech does not come with freedom of consequence from that speech. It was false and defamatory. The fact that he is a competitor of mine in this industry in that we both provide pilot services would be enough to preclude a dismissal as well.

If you're gonna be an expert, you better be right.

In the end I decided not to bother.
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> People on this board hire me for buyers and pilot services.

People using Google, considering whether to hire you, will find
your posts on this board.

Threatening a lawsuit over a simple disagreement ain't gonna help you
when it comes to prospective employers.

Now that you've started throwing around "lawsuit" ... I'm done here &
with the other boards you frequent.


Delete my account.
Now that you've started throwing around "lawsuit" ... I'm done here &
with the other boards you frequent.

I think I am too, frankly.

I've seen other boards in which people started threatening law suits, and they fell apart rather quickly.

It only takes one, and given that henning has decided to do the california thing and start crying law suit, it's time to go do something else.

It's just not worth it.
Re: Pencil Whipped Logbook Entries ...

It only takes one, and given that henning has decided to do the california thing and start crying law suit, it's time to go do something else.

Blaming California for the actions of a poster who is based in Florida? What's up with that? :confused:
So you're saying the FAA is lying about what it means? Sue them, not me. And remember that you just said you had a certificate which was no longer valid.

Ron you just got Zoomed!

How does it feel
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Re: Pencil Whipped Logbook Entries ...

In summary, it sounds like "zoomed" = threatened with a lawsuit, especially one that may or may not have any merit.
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Re: Pencil Whipped Logbook Entries ...

It's funny that this argument is about a notation that no longer appears on Henning's airman record. :goofy:
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Perhaps the best response I've seen yet.

Used to be that Waterloo, IA was a meat packing town. Who knew that after the owners of Morrell and Rath busted the unions that we'd have to worry about pilots with funny last names...strange times, indeed.
You guys are hilarious. I sometimes wonder if this stuff is staged
Sew! Are ya working in the Psych field, or Corrections? :wink2:
:lol: Sometimes it seemed like both!

Actually it was when I worked in IT. After 20 years I finally got tired of forever climbing up the constant tech avalanche flow and bailed out of the industry altogether. Most long-time IT folks are very intelligent, but a few of them that I've worked with have been way over stressed for way too long and it shows. :redface:
:lol: Sometimes it seemed like both!

Actually it was when I worked in IT. After 20 years I finally got tired of forever climbing up the constant tech avalanche flow and bailed out of the industry altogether. Most long-time IT folks are very intelligent, but a few of them that I've worked with have been way over stressed for way too long and it shows. :redface:

Yup! I hear you. I try to straddle the IT and Accounting/Finance fence, mostly from the Accounting/Finance side. I have allowed myself to get way too far behind on the IT side, and I thnk my days as "the guy who can do it himself and/or take care of the Accoutning/Finance needs are pretty much over.
Yup! I hear you. I try to straddle the IT and Accounting/Finance fence, mostly from the Accounting/Finance side. I have allowed myself to get way too far behind on the IT side, and I thnk my days as "the guy who can do it himself and/or take care of the Accoutning/Finance needs are pretty much over.
Yup. One of the final straws for me was the huge influx of 18-20 year olds that graduated from high school with a MCSE burning a hole in their pocket and a willingness to work any job for whatever paid more than their last job flipping burgers and cooking fries at McDonalds.

And the story's still being written.

I had the "fun" of watching the RAH kerfluffle play out in real time. Zoom's a real piece of work. I still flinch whenever I see someone link to ANN...
It's funny and sad at the same time. :redface:
:lol: Sometimes it seemed like both!

Actually it was when I worked in IT. After 20 years I finally got tired of forever climbing up the constant tech avalanche flow and bailed out of the industry altogether. Most long-time IT folks are very intelligent, but a few of them that I've worked with have been way over stressed for way too long and it shows. :redface:

Me? Cynical? Surely you jest!

(At least we build up a good sense of humor...)