Taxi to Parking
I am not making this up...I have seen brand new iPhones used HEAVILY during the day barely make it to the charger at night.
Use any device "HEAVILY" during the day, and it'll be in the same boat. However, I'm not sure what your definition of "HEAVILY" is - I've used my iPhone to play music for 16 hours, talk on the phone for 4 hours, and do numerous things on the web before killing the battery. And I think that was before I applied the settings mentioned above.
Even Apple admits it and the suggestions to save the battery, ala what was mentioned above, are the "fixes". Of course all of those things are what is touted as the great things about the device, but of course to actually use it for any length of time one has to turn them off.
I think the WiFi asking is the biggest problem, and I find that "feature" to be quite annoying! And while I may use Bluetooth at some point (after I get my Zulus, ya know ) I haven't felt the need yet. I do turn the WiFi on when I actually use it, but that's fairly rare as most of what I do is actually fast enough even on EDGE.
Really, VERY few people would actually need or want all of those things to be on constantly.