A new study shows that when aircraft need to defecate, they face a cardinal direction...
Airliners heading upstream to spawn.
The bird dogs, scarecrows, and loud horns set up around the airport were ineffective in scaring off the flocks of migratory 737's flying Southwest for the winter.
Definitely the winnah!
So, what do you call a flock of 737s?
That looks like a cluster-flock.
"Asiana 214 Heavy, cleared to land"
"…..sht, move over!"
"C'mon guy's lemme squeeze in!"
"No way man I'm not going anywhere near that runway!"
"Tighten up guys, tighten up!"
From a Southwest official..."We have the best crews in the industry. Here is an example of at least nine of our pilots that know how to get to the correct airport"