PB plumbing experts??


Final Approach
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Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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My airpark home is an older manufactured house with PB plumbing. In repairing the stuff all I can find are PB to PEX unions.

I need to replace a bad stop valve under a sink. In order to make the repair I'd have to install the PB-PEX union, a short piece of PEX then the stop valve.

IF I could find a PB Stop valve I could make a simple neat repair.

Can anyone direct me to a place that sells PB fittings to include valves and such. Google hasn't helped me much so far.

I tried PB direct to PEX but the PEX fitting is just enough smaller in diameter that I can't get a leak free crimp.


IIRC, that entire line of products was recalled years ago and now you have to replace with PEX. They made the two systems incompatible so you have to replace the PB lines which ruptured and cost Shell a bunch of money in lawsuit settlement.
Yeah - it was a huge class action deal back in the early/mid 90's.

I think the problem wasn't so much with the PB tubing itself as it was with the particular formulation of the plastic in the elbow joints. The stuff would react with chlorine over time, get brittle, and snap. Was worse in the hot-water lines.

PEX uses brass joints. MIght as well take advantage of the situation and upgrade as you go.
For a second there I thought he was talking about lead (Pb).
I thought "PB" was plumbers butt :eek:
Down here we have a few mobile home specific hardware stores. (Alabama, go figger) You may try to find one of those. However, I will say that PEX is far superior, if you dont have a ton of plumbing in your place you might consider retrofitting the whole place. I mean, being a rich pilot and all.:D
The Polybutylene plumbing products were specifically responsible for Texas enacting a "statute of repose," the law which says that no matter what happens, when the building is ten years old, no more liability can exist.

If you can replace the stuff, you surely should!