Paul Harvey: RIP


Pre-takeoff checklist
Oct 23, 2007
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America lost one of the great orators of all time today. RIP...
In 1965 I was in the first grade and I rode to school with our next door neighbor, who was also my teacher. She listened to Paul Harvey every morning before we left for school. When I was in the Navy in the Pacific once again Paul Harvey was a familiar voice on the Armed Services Radio Network.

Over the years I've listened to him and enjoyed his newscast and programs.

A broadcast legend is gone.
I was never into him; maybe listened to him for a grand total of 2 minutes in my life. But, he certainly was an American icon. For that I salute him. RIP.
Bummer, we always listened to him for the noon news when i was a kid. like when i was in pre school and before. Always listened to the news and rest of the story as often as i could.

Good Day.
During my years between eight and thirteen, my dad got me up for school in the mornings since my mom worked early. While having breakfast with my dad, we would hear Paul Harvey on KMOX out of St. Louis every morning. While I never really paid attention to him at the time, he had a tone like no other. Never did I realize how much I would come to miss those mornings with my dad and Paul Harvey playing in the background.

I came to appreciate him and his soothing voice during the news in my later years. He'll be missed very much and no one can ever tell the news like he did.
A treasure, lost.
I Agree with all of you ,what a great loss. I realy like "The Rest Of The Story".
Dave G.
I am sure he was a very nice man and very good person, but I never listened to him either. I didn't like his vocal style and found the topics generally pretty boring. Still, obviously many respected and liked him.
He will be missed. Nothing will ever compare to the sound of Paul Harvey's voice coming through the speakers of a 9610 John Deere combine on a crisp fall afternoon in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.

Now he is back with his 'Angel'...
Yep. Now ask why Paul "Harvey" got discharged as a pilot from the Army Air Corps DURING WW II.

The word is that's why he changed his name.
Does it really matter? It was over sixty years ago.
Sad, another broadcast legend passes on.. RIP Paul!
We've lost such a great storyteller and master wordsmith. Talk about living long by doing something you love -- I didn't realize he was 90 years old!

My introduction to "the rest of the story" came when my family moved to central Florida in the early eighties. He had a 5 minute TV program that came on right before the 10PM (or was it after? I forget) newscast on one of the UHF channels.

Good Day, Mr. Harvey. Good Day.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are stopping work in the "shop" with my grandfather because it was time for Paul Harvey on the radio. No matter what we were doing, work stopped to listen to him.
Found this on you tube. If you look on the "related" videos there are several "rest of the story" videos there also.

Mark B
To some it really does. I recall a lot WW2 guys at my VFW post really not speaking well of Paul Harvey.
But I'm totally unsure what the real story was!:mad2: I've heard at least three different discharge stories: medical (cut foot during training), section 8 (stole a plane), and honorable. To me it doesn't matter much. But if they're castigating him because they believe the wrong one, then I have a problem with it.
But I'm totally unsure what the real story was!:mad2: I've heard at least three different discharge stories: medical (cut foot during training), section 8 (stole a plane), and honorable. To me it doesn't matter much. But if they're castigating him because they believe the wrong one, then I have a problem with it.
I have heard several too. I try not to waste brain cells on it.