Past use of SNRI for third class medical



I am doing PPL flight training and, within a few months, I have to get the third class medical for soloing. I had been taking Cymbalta (duloxetine, an SNRI medication) for about two years, 2018-2020, and stopped about one year ago. I believe on my medical record my PCP put "nerve pain" as the official diagnosis, although, to be honest, I was taking it for that pain first, and the depression that ensued from that episode of long term pain secondarily. I am fine now.

Does the medical application require to disclose prior use of antidepressants? Or is there a threshold, like no need if stopped over xxx months ago?
Is it likely I could fail the medical?
Paging @bbchien and @lbfjrmd

I’m not an AME, hopefully one of the two here will respond soon, but I will say I had pain issues that were treated with an antidepressant and I did get certified after all was said and done so I feel like you will be okay but it might not happen quickly and will require you get all your records in order and follow whatever guidance the knowledgeable AMEs here give you. Pretty sure YES you have to report it and it will be best if it was less than 2 years on the drug. I have no idea if an AME can issue this in the office or if he will have to defer to OKC, gonna guess deferral and you jump through hoops but eventually get issued. You might have to be patient.
Paging @bbchien and @lbfjrmd

I’m not an AME, hopefully one of the two here will respond soon, but I will say I had pain issues that were treated with an antidepressant and I did get certified after all was said and done so I feel like you will be okay but it might not happen quickly and will require you get all your records in order and follow whatever guidance the knowledgeable AMEs here give you. Pretty sure YES you have to report it and it will be best if it was less than 2 years on the drug. I have no idea if an AME can issue this in the office or if he will have to defer to OKC, gonna guess deferral and you jump through hoops but eventually get issued. You might have to be patient.

Thanks for replying.

In your instance, what documents did you have to submit?

Where you taking Cymbalta (or whatever antidepressant) when you did the medical or you had already discontinued it?
Thanks for replying.

In your instance, what documents did you have to submit?

Where you taking Cymbalta (or whatever antidepressant) when you did the medical or you had already discontinued it?

I had discontinued it and my pain issue had resolved. Don’t worry about what documents I had to submit, bbchien has replied, talk to him, do everything he says, trust me, he will guide you right. Good luck! :)
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