Past Medical Events and new Class 3 or 2 Medical?

  • Thread starter Zbignew Chrysler
  • Start date

Zbignew Chrysler

Long after my last Class 3 Medical expired I have had 2 events the current Class 2 or 3 Medical form and the FAA may want me to explain. One event was a minor surgery like a hernia repair. The next event was a high blood pressure crisis. I went to the emergency room and spent a weekend in the hospital being tested and examined in many ways. The diagnosis was high BP and low doses of BP medicine was prescribed. Both events were 10 or more years ago. I had comprehensive, employer-provided insurance which paid most of my bill.

The minor surgery has no long-term implications. My BP is under control via weight loss and diet modifications. I'm relatively confident on the day of any future exam I should comply with the BP targets and pass.

I'm tempted to "forget" to disclose any of the above info when completing a future FAA Medical form. Is the FAA's ability to discover said events, in records it can access, going to discover my events? Back when I was flying the practice among many non-Part 121 pilots was to have a physician you could be honest with about any issue, who did not know of your aviation background. And to also use an FAA-approved doctor who only saw you for getting an FAA Medical. In fact, once any pilot in the network found an especially lenient doctor his name was shared widely. Are the current procedures and practices of the FAA thorough enough to defeat m old strategy?

Thanks for any insights.
[snide comment on]
Sure, go ahead and forget whatever you choose.
It's a Federal form, go ahead and lie
[snide comment off]'re looking for advice on whether to knowingly withhold information from the FAA. doesn't speak well for your character. my advice is to seek a consultation with an AME and ask the doc about your concerns. maybe a couple of consultations with a few different AMEs. i'd wish you good luck but....
Hypertensive crisis is a big deal.
You need the consultation.
Don't for a moment think you can omit. All the insurance codes go back to 1996.
And falsification of the record is a class 4 felony, if they choose to make it stick.
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