Passed my CFII!


Pattern Altitude
Oct 6, 2012
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Yesterday I passed my CFII practical. People who said this was the easiest checkride... you were right. The weather wasn't ideal in that we were trying to be a thunderstorm (and won!) along with some extremely fun crosswinds that I had to land in to meet the straight-in landing requirement... but hey that's the reality of this!
Good job buddy..!!!

And who said this was the easiest checkride? If it was easy that means you were well prepared. :yes:
Congrats! I'll agree with the CFII being an easy ride. It was the easiest checkride I've taken to date.
Awesome, are you still in CO? I'm going to be in NOCO/Wyoming in a week. We should fly if you are available.
Congrats now go out and make those millions.
Yesterday I passed my CFII practical. People who said this was the easiest checkride... you were right. The weather wasn't ideal in that we were trying to be a thunderstorm (and won!) along with some extremely fun crosswinds that I had to land in to meet the straight-in landing requirement... but hey that's the reality of this!
Congrats! :cheers:
Nice job. Good to have another CFII available to teach people how to fly in the system.
Awesome, are you still in CO? I'm going to be in NOCO/Wyoming in a week. We should fly if you are available.

Where at? I'm going to Casper to take my ATP written. I'm not back in AZ yet.

And thanks everyone! Should be a fun one to use. I have worked (and struggled) hard to maintain currency since I got my IR because in Arizona it isn't necessary. Aside from occasionally going to Vegas I file IFR to have some hope of not forgetting the intricacies of IFR flying. Hopefully I can instill that in students. And I just plain like shooting approaches.. Nothing like seeing the runway appear where it belongs!
Where at? I'm going to Casper to take my ATP written. I'm not back in AZ yet.

And thanks everyone! Should be a fun one to use. I have worked (and struggled) hard to maintain currency since I got my IR because in Arizona it isn't necessary. Aside from occasionally going to Vegas I file IFR to have some hope of not forgetting the intricacies of IFR flying. Hopefully I can instill that in students. And I just plain like shooting approaches.. Nothing like seeing the runway appear where it belongs!

I hear ya. Living in NM, the only actual IMC I regularly get is when I have to fly to TX for my part-time corporate job.
Where at? I'm going to Casper to take my ATP written. I'm not back in AZ yet.

Wednesday Thursday and Friday I will be in Laramie hanging out at the FBO. My father is the boss man there and i wanted to spend some time there.
Wednesday Thursday and Friday I will be in Laramie hanging out at the FBO. My father is the boss man there and i wanted to spend some time there.

I'll be over at DWX for the first part of the week. May stop by to borrow the world's greatest Buick and get some Shari's (or some similar Laramie grub).
I'll be over at DWX for the first part of the week. May stop by to borrow the world's greatest Buick and get some Shari's (or some similar Laramie grub).

If you see someone there that doesn't look like they belong in Laramie, then that's probably me. I don't own a Carhardt coat/jeans and the AZ sun has rendered me more tan than your average Wyomingite. I would love to pay my prorata share for a trip around the Laramie area if we cross paths.
If you see someone there that doesn't look like they belong in Laramie, then that's probably me. I don't own a Carhardt coat/jeans and the AZ sun has rendered me more tan than your average Wyomingite. I would love to pay my prorata share for a trip around the Laramie area if we cross paths.

If I'm in the area in the later part of the week I'll stop by. If it's early in the day and not too windy the flying around Laramie can be fun. If it's windy, it gets bumpy to say the least. At any rate, practice approaches to LAR are educational about how close you can be to the rocks. Maybe we can get the new II to show us how they should be flown...I need an IPC anyway...
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If I'm in the area in the later part of the week I'll stop by. If it's early in the day and not too windy the flying around Laramie can be fun. If it's windy, it gets bumpy to say the least. At any rate, practice approaches to LAR are educational about how close you can be to the rocks. Maybe we can get the new II to show us how they should be flown...I need an IPC anyway...

Due to some unfortunate mechanical circumstances I'll be grounded for awhile... Maybe a month. Oh well such is life. We'll get her fixed up and a fresh annual while I find a multi to rent.