Partnership in Sarasota, FL


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May 18, 2015
Sarasota, FL
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So, I'm tossing around the idea of ownership again, but I definitely do not have the money or time to go all in by myself this time. If anyone knows of a partnership near Sarasota, FL or wants to talk to me about one, feel free to message me or post here.

I have a pretty limited budget so if that's split between more than 2 people, that's fine. There are some clubs down here with shares, but none really interest me or are too high of a buy-in.

What kind of plane are you looking for? Malibu? Citation? PC12? Aeronca champ?
I fly out of SRQ ,need more info on what your needs are for an airplane .
@Unit74 and @frfly172 thanks for responding!

I'm a 300+ hour pilot with my commercial license and instrument rating. Ideally I'd like a plane that I could take a person or two out for lunch, to see some sights or a long weekend. No I'm not looking for anything like a Malibu or Citation heh..PC12 would be overkill as well though, it is one of my favorite planes.

I'd like to get something that would be capable of instrument flight, but beyond that I really don't have any strong opinions (yeah I know that's pretty generic, sorry). Probably wouldn't need to be a complex aircraft or turbo since I'd have to go at least 600 nm to get anywhere near where I'd need a turbo. It wouldn't have to be super fast, I'm used to about 115 knot cruise speeds, and that was mostly OK for me. I wouldn't mind a bit quicker though it's not a major factor. Something that could be tied down instead of requiring a hangar would be great as well..guess that would rule out the fabric planes. I don't have any time in tailwheel aircraft, but I'm not put off by the idea of one of those. I'm a pretty quick learner.

I sold my Cherokee 180 this year and as I said, I'm just tossing the idea around. Whatever the plane may be, it would have to be relatively inexpensive to operate and maintain. I'm not sitting on a ton of cash right now so maybe this is just pie in the sky thinking, but it would be nice to NOT have to deal with the constant hit or miss with rental aircraft and scheduling problems.
What is your budget?
What is your budget?

Well, the 180 I owned was a 40K plane, I think about that. Don't need quite as much though. An inexpensive 172 or even another piper 140/160 (instead of the 180) would be perfect actually. Now, finding a partner that ALSO wants that may be a challenge I realize :).

Another 180 or an Arrow (yeah I know that's complex) for speed would be pretty much top of the line for me. That puts me into the 50K ish range though.
Have you thought about buying a 150? Hella cheap to own and fly. $20k in, $800 annual, 6 gal an hour. 100kts.
Too bad you couldn't have just found yourself a partner or two, you already had the plane.

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Too bad you couldn't have just found yourself a partner or two, you already had the plane.

Yeah, I actually did try to partner on that one before I sold it. It was a great plane and it's got a nice home now. I don't think I would have been flying it as much as it needed to be flown, which was another reason for letting it go. I put 130 hours on it last year and this year would be less than half of that probably. Too much time for it to sit.

Have you thought about buying a 150? Hella cheap to own and fly. $20k in, $800 annual, 6 gal an hour. 100kts.

I have looked at them yeah. It's usually just me in the plane or my son since my wife doesn't enjoy flying so it would probably be fine for some cheap flying. I can rent one right now for $84/hr wet and it's almost always available, but again I run into that whole rental toss up.

Maybe it is cheaper to just rent right now rather than own. I keep coming back to the ownership possibilities every time I run into a problem with a rental..which is a LOT. In fact, I consider myself lucky if I can rent a plane these days and NOT have something fail on me either in flight or on the ground.