Parachute for sale/trade



Strong parachute for sale. Top of the line--burgundy /gray cover and harness/ seat pack for my Pitts. Can handle 250 pounder (me)... perfect condition... sat on for 5 hours max. Trading off Pitts S1C .... $20 k or trade for BMW touring bike of equal value.. under 100 hrs TT engine and airframe. rarely flown hanger queen email

will sell or trade chute for used 4 wheeler/dirt bike. make offer fast.
plane must be gone by feb 1st.:mad2:
Strong parachute for sale.

I would like to put in a personal recommendation for the strong ones. I had one of those weak ones, did not turn out too well.
//eh,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sorta hit on your head---did ya ???????:nonod:
Hit the earth with the top of your head -- eh ??????

Drain Bramage is a bad than:yikes:g !!!!!
Can't damage what ya don't have!
I think Jeanie was looking for a chute, where is she? Probably 100lbs soaking wet, if that is a suitable size chute.