Paper Logbook Recommendations


Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 6, 2015
Central Maine
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For the old timers out there who still use a physical logbook. Is there a preferred logbook that is best for a particular pilot. ie. Student, Private, Commercial, CFI, ATP? Some have a column for ”Solo”, “Instruction Given”, blank columns, pages in the back for endorsements. What is important? Any thoughts?
Sporty's makes the best logbooks.
On the other side I use a spiral notebook. I draw up the columns that pretty much look like the high dollar logbooks. Only had one company that didn't like seeing a logbook in a spiral notebook. The director of operations said the FAA would not accept what I had as a logbook. He was wrong.

I took that as a warning as to what the company would be like and moved on.
I'm at the "new CFI" stage of my career. Got a Jeppeson (regular) logbook, because it has a "As Flight Instructor" column in it.

It does *not* have a "Solo" column in it. I'm past the point where I have to keep track of solo time for a certificate or rating, but it is a hassle anytime you have fill out one of those IACRA's. But that's my only complaint. (I put solo/pax in the comments instead.)
I use both paper and digital, for paper I like sporty senior pilot log.
Way back in the day I got the Standard Pilot Master Log which has options for category, class, conditions of flight, simulator, instructor, and type of piloting time. I've been happy with it and the cover is larger enough for the basic med information.
I have an old Jeppesen paper log. I use an electronic logbook as a backup and to double-check my math (I'm amazed at how many small math errors I've made over the years), plus they are great for calculating currency. However, these companies may or may not be around forever. Your paper logbook will never go out of business.
I'm at the "new CFI" stage of my career. Got a Jeppeson (regular) logbook, because it has a "As Flight Instructor" column in it.

It does *not* have a "Solo" column in it. I'm past the point where I have to keep track of solo time for a certificate or rating, but it is a hassle anytime you have fill out one of those IACRA's. But that's my only complaint. (I put solo/pax in the comments instead.)

Are there no columns with a blank header?
I couldn't find anything I liked, I don't need columns for IFR, simulator, night, etc., because I don't do any of those things, so I made my own (printed the pages, cut them out, stitched them and bound them into a leather covered back).

I labeled the main column "Solo/PIC" because I don't need to differentiate.
For an IFR private pilot with my own plane, I've found that Sporty's Flight Logbook and Record works well. It has about 20 columns across two pages (see images). I scratch out the headings for a couple of columns I don't need (like ground training and solo), and replace them with headings I do need (e.g., complex hours, and hours in my type of aircraft, both needed for insurance).

I'm kinda a geek with my logbooks, so I have 3 different logbooks going right now...4 if you count my small logbook that is just used to transfer into my master book. I keep my GA flying separate because I only update my airline logbook every 3 or 4 months and my OCD hates the dates being out of order. I use the smaller logs day-to-day then transfer to this master logbook every 3 or 4 months. Since I intentionally bid reserve on a WB, it's generally not that many legs to put in the book lol. Then I have a separate logbook for my military time. Interesting enough, the father of one of my friends actually made the Blue (silver wings) military logbook and then sold it to Flyboys.

For my GA flying.

For my airline flying day-to-day.

Master airline logbook

For my military flying.
I like the Jeppesen standard logbooks. I fill one up about every two years, the lock it away in safe place.

I like the Jeppesen standard logbooks. I fill one up about every two years, the lock it away in safe place.


Just something satisfying about filling up another logbook.