Paint it?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
I'm ordering tip tanks for the Comanche next week. Paint em the ugly brown, or strip it and repaint the whole thing?
If I do paint the whole thing, white undercoat for sure. Or, what about military gray with stars and bars? :D
I thought your paint was in pretty good shape. I'd either paint to match or go with white for now and repaint the whole thing when it really needs it.
Yeah, as long as the existing paint's in good condition, save the money. Yeah, it's kind of fugly, but in a good way! :)
Ed, maybe I don't know you well enough, but I don't see you as the type of guy who goes out and buys a new tuxedo because one of your suits is getting old ;)

I haven't seen the plane, but going by what others say, paint it to match for the time being unless the money is really burning a hole in your pocket.
Yeah, maybe the STEC 30 should go in there instead. :P

And you would have seen the plane if you waited 10 more minutes!!!
I'd agree to paint the tip tanks brown, and wait on painting the rest of the plane. Get everything else on the plane exactly how you want it first, paint should be last.

I wouldn't spend any money to have it professionally done, though. A good Krylon job should be fine.
Just remember to use only rollers with wrapper marked "fine nap".
I'd agree to paint the tip tanks brown, and wait on painting the rest of the plane. Get everything else on the plane exactly how you want it first, paint should be last.

I wouldn't spend any money to have it professionally done, though. A good Krylon job should be fine.
I'm ordering tip tanks for the Comanche next week. Paint em the ugly brown, or strip it and repaint the whole thing?

Like everyone said - It may be ugly, but the paint appeared to be in good shape. When I saw the thread title, one of the things I was going to say was "Wait until you get tip tanks and THEN paint it." :rofl: However, you probably want to do whatever speed mods you're going to do as well. So maybe if you make a trip over to and do whatever shopping you're going to do there, maybe then it would be worth painting the whole plane now. If you're gonna do other mods later, leave it.

BTW, you probably already know this, but having tip tanks is going to make changing your landing lights a real b*tch, so you probably want to either upgrade to HID landing lights, or buy the mod that allows you to remove the landing light lenses without removing the wingtip (or tip tank, after that mod's done).

Funny how these things snowball, isn't it? ;)

Yeah, maybe the STEC 30 should go in there instead. :P

Probably cheaper than doing tips + HID lights + all the speed mods + paint. :yes:
Yeah, maybe the STEC 30 should go in there instead. :P

And you would have seen the plane if you waited 10 more minutes!!!

Don't worry, my son has been appropriately disciplined for making daddy leave the fly-in before seeing "Mr. Ed's" plane :nono:
Ed if you do decide to paint the whole plane I will be curious as to where you will take it. I have been thinking of painting mine for several years. I opted instead to add the 430W this year, but it is still on my list of things to do. I have looked around for paint shops and I found this out. That there are many, but a vary few that people will give good recommendations about. Around here one that keeps popping up to the top on is at the Sandwich Airport
Paint it Grumman blue. Maybe it will have a little class that way.

And slow it down 20 knots and make it require 5 times as much runway. ;) :rofl:

Do a Flightaware on my N number and see where I've been and the speeds in which the Littlest Fighter is doing. :D:rofl:

"With claws still sharp"


Oh yeah, my Tiger used to be based at Reigle. Look it up.
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Do a Flightaware on my N number and see where I've been and the speeds in which the Littlest Fighter is doing. :D:rofl:

"With claws still sharp"


Oh yeah, my Tiger used to be based at Reigle. Look it up.

Care to share your N number?
Ed's still faster. ;)

(I'm just trying to make up for Ed slacking off on the Ed vs. Anthony show! Plus, I love Comanches. :))

Yeah, a retract 260 HP Comanche vs. a 180 HP fixed gear Tiger. The Tiger will hang, no doubt and look better in the process. :D

Even on Impulse Power I am still faster than that Lock Haven built relic. How many parts go in that thar aeroplane? Is it a Cub?? Vern put down ur Green's Ice Cream lookie what's landin at Jersey Shore. (Hint not NJ beach)
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Do a Flightaware on my N number and see where I've been and the speeds in which the Littlest Fighter is doing. :D:rofl:

"With claws still sharp"


Oh yeah, my Tiger used to be based at Reigle. Look it up.

That's a pretty short runway..even for a fully loaded 172.

How'd you manage that?
That's a pretty short runway..even for a fully loaded 172.

How'd you manage that?

Light. Very light. 2,200 ft is really the shortest I'd want to do loaded up.
I just pulled the last one from flightaware. Of course mine into SAW was Cherokee-ish as well.
I had the power pulled back to 60% to save fuel.

With the altitudes I sometimes fly, I'm not far off from that.

I'm with you. Depending on winds I am definitely in the higher is better camp. Love seeing the sub 10 gph fuel burns. What's the service ceiling on the Comanche. 18K or something?