You find the information I looked at in the records of the US District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi. They are publicly accessible for anyone with a PACER account.
There is no evidence in the file, which is SOP when the result is a negotiated plea agreement. That's not public information unless and until the case goes to trial. Typically, with some exceptions provided by court rule and Constitutional law, there is no requirement for a federal prosecutor to disclose the evidence until trial, even to the defendant. Practicaly speaking, some disclosures are made during the course of negotiating a plea. Evidence was presented to a Grand Jury proceedings, but those are are confidential. (For those somewhat familiar, the procedures are generally very different in state court, where open files by prosecutors is common.)
I've retrieved some of the most relevant documents and placed them in
this shared folder. The ones most will be interested in (though even they are devoid of specifics) are:
The Indictment
The Plea Agreement
Sentencing is scheduled for August 2, with the pre-sentence report due July 26.