PA-24-260 1965


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 6, 2012
San Jose, CA
Display Name

Display name:
IO-540- D4A5
1675 SMOH
567 STOH
6410 TT

Whelan LED Landing lights
Long range fuel

Dual Mac 1700 Radio stack
KMA 24 audio panel
Century IIB Auto Pilot (needs work)
JPI 700
Dual VOR w/Glide Slope
WX-800 Stormscope
Digital Tach
King DME

Asking $35,000
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I thought $35k was the original price?
Ahh, I see he must have edited the first post, ok that makes sense.
Huh, that's the first time I noticed the asymmetric air intake position.
Tough same thing about air intake, sure mine is not displaced, nice plane, would love to have the extra hp, but not looking to start fixing another plane any time soon, I just did my 1000 hr landing gear AD
Tough same thing about air intake, sure mine is not displaced, nice plane, would love to have the extra hp, but not looking to start fixing another plane any time soon, I just did my 1000 hr landing gear AD

1000hr gear AD is due in 658 more hrs
That seems pretty reasonable. I helped my A&P with it. I have a low hour airframe (2500 hrs.) and not much was required. The previous owner purchased all new bolts and bushings thru Webco before he sold it to me, at the cost of nearly $5000.00. It turned out most everything was still in spec. We replaced all the scissor link bushings and bolts, the swivel pins and the nose gear gear link bushings. So I have a cabinet full of new bushings and bolts for the future. It's time consuming, especially if you have to replace a bunch of bushings and ream them to size. I learned a lot. Good luck on yours. is your friend.:yes:
Sorry for the thread drift, looks like a good buy for a 260. Good luck with the sale!!
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Sorry, I meant the landing gear AD... The estimate on ours is $2500 + parts for anything they find.

That is ballpark. It takes me about 18-20 hours base labor to take it apart, measure everything, reinstall, and rig the gear. I would expect a shop that has never, or rarely done one, to take a bit longer. New bushings or other repairs are extra. It is the nose gear that wears the most, and is the most critical.
Seems like a good deal, great aircraft.

Good luck!
will you take small children in trade?

The problem with small children is they depreciate like hell in the first 6 weeks. Fresh hatch you can get a quarter mil for a healthy white baby, after 6 weeks though, they get tougher to sell.
The problem with small children is they depreciate like hell in the first 6 weeks. Fresh hatch you can get a quarter mil for a healthy white baby, after 6 weeks though, they get tougher to sell.

This one is 8.. Damn, i guess i can't get a yugo for him.. :)
He's good at building lego things.. beyond that..... meh.

How many different cocktails can he make?

Have you considered renting him to bachelors to take to the park as a chick magnet? Won't buy a plane, but might pay for some rental. Kids are better than puppies.
How many different cocktails can he make?

Have you considered renting him to bachelors to take to the park as a chick magnet? Won't buy a plane, but might pay for some rental. Kids are better than puppies.

I must be unapproachable, because when i have my son (7 months, super cute), no one walks up to me, but when i had my dalmation/shepard i got approached all the time.
I must be unapproachable, because when i have my son (7 months, super cute), no one walks up to me, but when i had my dalmation/shepard i got approached all the time.

Because you are the kid's father, completely different from having someone else's kid. The target demographic is looking for someone that likes, and hopefully wants, children, not someone that has them. A bachelor with a puppy shows the same traits, but a real live kid is a magnitude in difference. Heck, you could probably get $250hr for a baby, an 8 year old should still bring an hour's rental in a 172 per hour.
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Jason, sir, our apologies for hi-jacking your thread. Oops, did I just say "hi-jack"? Yikes, I assume DHS is on their way to kick in my front door and drag me away to Guantanamo Bay.
And the weekend begins well ... :lol: