Taxi to Parking
Same problem no good vfr weather on days that i'm available. I go out to the airport at least 3 times a week and turn prop through 10-12 times. In a unheated hanger SE corner of MI . Hope I'm not hurting my lycoming 0-320 160hp.
You can't turn it fast enough to get oil pressure up and spray more oil when it's needed, so all you're doing is scraping oil *off* where it needs to be, and grinding metal against metal. Stop it.
I'm wondering if a pre-oiler wouldn't be a good thing to have - Anyone know how those work? Is it just an electric pump that pumps oil through the existing system? Seems like that would be at least somewhat helpful, if it's sitting for long enough for oil to come off the parts. I doubt it is nearly as good as running the engine up to operating temperature for an hour (and getting that mist of oil all over everything), but it might be helpful?