Mike I
Line Up and Wait
If you ever fly out of republic you'll know what I mean. It's worse than JFK. Some commercial rated pilots would not even go to KFRG. 2 weeks ago I was inbound for full stop - took me 30 minutes to actually touch the ground. 2 go arounds and twice number 8 on final! No kidding. (Go arounds due to idiots not getting off the runway in time) so when I fly to other airports in the vicinity, my first thought is "where is everyone", almost like unless there are 15 planes in the pattern I have a feeling that something is not right and its not my home airport, especially on VFR weekends. LOL
I had that experience there a few weeks back. Coming back in to FRG from up north around sunset, and I couldn't get in a word with the tower announcing I was inbound, despite starting calls 12-14nm out. Finally got a call in about 7nm out, with no acknowledgement. At about 6nm, tower asks "who's the aircraft 5 north of the field, 2200'?" "That's me, N#####". Tower: "Do you realize you've entered Class Delta without communicating with me?" Me: "I'm showing I'm 1/2mi north of the Delta, been trying to reach you for 5 minutes"... Tower: "Turn north, hold at the shoreline, call you back in 10 minutes" (in a gruff manner).
Tower finally calls, I'm #6 to land. Puts me behind a ridiculously slow aircraft doing probably 65kts while still 5mi out or so, and I can't slow down quick enough. I ask for a 360 for spacing, granted. Now on short final, tower orders me to go-around due to jet traffic behind me. Very tempted to reply Unable but I comply. I'm vectored back around, #6 to land again. That nonsense probably cost me $50+, paying by Hobbes on rental. Pretty frustrating. That's only happened a few times to me at FRG, and isn't the norm.