And I thought I would add... Ive had the plane for about a year. I havnt noticed vibration getting worse. I did seem to notice where the vibration in the motor seemed to change during flight. It seems like sometimes it might be smoother than other times, not sure if it really is tho.
My plane is really clean, has a penn yann motor 10 yrs old with only 325 hours on it. Has mags from 10 yrs ago when motor was installed. I did go to mechanic because I had a few times when I was flying where the motor seemed to run a bit rough for a few seconds, would vibrate heavy, then smooth out lasting about 15 seconds. Checked compression, all above 78, plugs were clean. Through tipping the plane and shaking it we found a good bit of water in one wing and attributed the bit of roughness i experienced to either the water contamination, carb icing, or the mags.
The mechanic is suggesting I have the mags pulled and inspected/overhauled, to overhaul the prop, and to possibly inspect the carb and clean as neccesary.
He was convinced that would get the plane running at tip top condition, smooth out any roughness, and insure the value of the motor. I am just not too happy about having to shell out the bill. I trust the mechanic tho, as he has helped me a lot off clock and he doesnt seem like the kind of guy to take me for a ride.