Overhauled Knees


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Asking this for a friend of mine, who is scheduled to get both of his knees overhauled. Evidently one of them has been past TBO for a little while as he’s been putting it off, but it’s time now to get them done.

For those of you who have had a knee replacement, or even a double knee replacement, what’s the average timeline for recovery to the point of being able to fly again?

Don't know about return to flight, but tell him to adhere to the PT requirements to the letter. No more, no less than what is prescribed. Have acquaintances that wimped on the PT and others that over did it. Neither group healed as fast and both had more problems compared to the ones that followed the directions. Have a couple of coworkers that have had knee work this year and all are back and doing great, other than the one that had some major problems. He picked up an infection prior to the scars being fully healed over and ended up back on the table twice more. His was a fluke though....
Don't know about return to flight, but tell him to adhere to the PT requirements to the letter. No more, no less than what is prescribed. Have acquaintances that wimped on the PT and others that over did it. Neither group healed as fast and both had more problems compared to the ones that followed the directions. Have a couple of coworkers that have had knee work this year and all are back and doing great, other than the one that had some major problems. He picked up an infection prior to the scars being fully healed over and ended up back on the table twice more. His was a fluke though....
Thanks, Craig, I’ll pass this along!
I’ve noticed insurance plays games when it comes to PT, focus on your PT on a timely schedule irrespective of insurance if that’s an option for you.
First one, back to almost normal in 4 weeks, second, closer to 6-8. Currently, far far far better than prior to the replacements. Only drawback is going thru metal detectors:cool:.
I would have expected a strong recommendation to only IRAN the knees by now, not to do the full MOH. :D

(nothing to add otherwise, but that sounds miserable)
I can't wait for total foot replacement. I have arthritis in both big toes, extremely flat fleet and ankles that occasionally send feel like they have been stung by a wasp.
I just had my left thumb joint replaced. My hitchhiking activities are cut in half while I heal.
2 weeks to drive, 9 weeks to fly only because I could get into the cherokee, but needed a hoist to get out.

Do the PT.
I never did the PT - And I'm an orthopedic surgeon who was doing plenty of total knee replacements at the time of my own surgery almost 20 years ago.

PT can be very useful, but mostly because patients are a little timid on their own about pushing their activity when it's actually perfectly safe to do so.
I can't comment on recovery time. I will say that I met a guy who had both his knees replaced in the 90's. Don't know his age, but he was an F-86 and F-100 mechanic in the AF. He said the only thing he regretted was not doing it sooner, that it was very positive and life changing. Wish you the best!

Re 86's, he says they were beautiful and he loved them, but they were miserable to work on. That you typically had to cut the sheet metal open to work on them, because there weren't access panels where you needed them. That the 100's were way easier that way. Just popped into my mind thinking about the discussion, sorry about the tangent.
Buddy of mine tore his meniscus once in the air force. Then again after he was out. Last February he tore his ACL, mcl, pcl, patella tendon and meniscus again. Was getting married in September. Two surgeries later he just barely was able to not need crutches to make it down the aisle.

Doc said he'll need a knee replaced in the future. After wrestling for 12 years I'm sure I'll need em done myself.

Best of luck to your friend and would like to hear updates.
If your knees are in bad shape, poor cartilage and/or close to bone on bone, get the total replacement. Recovery time is about the same for a cartilage repair and a knee replacement. Ask me how I know...If you want to get good results, do physical therapy on your own at least 2 times every day in addition to ones with your therapist. Keep this up for as long as you can on your own after regular therapy sessions are done...6 months is not a bad idea. It only takes 15-20 minutes twice a day. Don't be a wuss...I had both knees replaced twice. Expect to get around pretty well after 4 to 6 weeks...but don't push or pull your plane to get it out of the hangar till your doctor says it is ok.

You should be able to fly after a couple months if all goes well, but you have to remember not to push hard on rudder pedals. Getting in and out of some planes is more challenging than others. The Bonanza was more difficult to exit than my Cessna for example.
Asking this for a friend of mine, who is scheduled to get both of his knees overhauled. Evidently one of them has been past TBO for a little while as he’s been putting it off, but it’s time now to get them done.

For those of you who have had a knee replacement, or even a double knee replacement, what’s the average timeline for recovery to the point of being able to fly again?

Five months for me, which just happened to coincide with my Archer’s annual and subsequent cam/lifter replacement. The doc said to figure on a year for recovery. I’m eight months in now and probably regained about 75% mobility.
Every person is different and every knee replacement is different. You cannot assume the same recovery time even if both your knees even are done by the same surgeon. For me 8 weeks, but I would consider my recovery within the top 5%.

Normally physical therapy starts 2 weeks after surgery and he plan being in physical therapy another 6-12 weeks.
How old were you guys when you did the replacement? Both my knees are shot from years of competitive skiing and many surgeries. Last doctor I talked to basically shrugged and said “there ain’t much we can do at this point, your job is to try to make it to 55 at least before you replace them both”.
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