Our Flying Videos

Here is another one while watching the planes take off at Whitted Airport in Downtown Saint Petersburg

Flying off a friend's wing and some sightseeing in the Citabria yesterday.


Had this in the pictures thread before I found this. Obviously this is a better place so I moved it.

Below is a montage video of all my flying in 2013 to today. Figured some of you might enjoy it.

Here are a few of the landings from my first "solo" flight since being signed off a couple of weeks ago. My first time flying an airplane alone since 1993. :goofy:

I picked a few at random various flap configurations. Feel free to critique just remember I only have 7.8 hours back after 20+ years off including this flight.

Evaluating myself...several of the landings I carried too much speed abut 10 knots coming over the fence. Also while the landings were all fairly smooth I probably could have held them off a little longer (FYI stall horn is not working). The airport is in a valley and you really can't start coming down from pattern altitude until into the base leg.

Also worth mentioning the flap switch is sticky so had to work it manually and watch it while I was letting them down otherwise it has a tendency to just dump them all. (GoPro attached to my ball cap).

So if your bored...

Last landing of the day full flaps.

Couple of touch and goes.

The boys first ride, 9 days old

Nice flight yesterday with a friend, doing some airwork in sunny SoCal.

CTSW landing from under the wing:

And some low-and-slow over north Georgia:

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A quick little video my dad took from the back seat in my 172S check out during some slow flight off the shore of San Diego on Saturday.

How do you guys embed the video so it shows the video player? I have not been able to figure that out and I like it better than just links.
The heat is on here in Phoenix, and around the country. This sure helps.
Another short clip from my 172S flight, this time down the coast along Mission Bay. I was impressed with how fast those jet skis were going! Although, it was a pain since I had to stay at 400' in the Bravo so I couldn't fly over them and they were cutting me off going back to the shore. How rude of them ;)

Nice video. I like how you can really hear the change in the sound of the wind when you slip. <3 slips :)

Thanks! Still playing with camera settings and my editing abilities :)

Just got a new GoPro at Oshkosh and trying it out on an evening flight between 3GM and BIV

I love the shadow of the plane greeting you at the 5 min mark.
That was cool, some real good shots...love the coast
Nice fam flight with a friend's Great Lakes 2T-1A-2 over the south bay near beautiful downtown San Diego. Finished up +4/-2, oleo mains are like landing on butter, super smooth. Great flight!

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Here's one I put together for the Warbirds West Air Museum (www.WWAM.org) over the weekend. They raffled off a T-34 Flight at the MCAS Miramar Airshow and this is Richard who won the flight. 2 T-34A Mentor's departed Gillespie on Saturday for 45 minutes of aerial awesomeness.

Due to music rights this might not play on certain mobile devices, best watched in HD on a big screen.


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Here's one from the previous weekend, some formation flying and then a low approach and landing to a fly-in BBQ at Lake Riverside Airpark near Temecula, CA.

Last weekend, from the CT Fly-in in Page, AZ. Page to Bullfrog, via the lake.
Just a quick shot of blowing the boots to shed the ice from my first encounter of the '14/'15 winter season. Just gets me excited that my favorite weather is right around the corner. :goofy:
