After reviewing a recent thread about ORD controllers that frankly seemed to bash those professionals about VFR hand offs etc, I wanted to relate an experience from yesterday from my flight back from Lambert.
The weather was the nastiest I have seen in my limited experience. bands of CB, lighting, hail, other precip etc. We (instructor and I) managed to dodge around clouds and had to divert for an hour to Aurora. The Peoria and Chicago Center controllers were great in helping us. We saw a small window of opportunity to get back while we were on the ground in Aurora, and my instructor quickly filed an IFR flight plan to KPWK. The Chicago controllers got us to KPWK once we were airborne and were absolutely great to work with. We finished off with an RNAV approach so I managed to get my requirements in for the long XC, having previously done a VOR approach at KSPI and an ILS at KSTL.
I wish I knew how to attached JPG as I have some great shots of the Avidyne MFD and nasty weather pictures.
FWIW, I loved landing at Lambert, and the controllers in the air and ground were great working with an inexperienced instrument pilot like me. Landing at Lambert was a really interesting experience with the slight nuances in procedures than what I was used to.
Thanks to all those controllers that helped me make my daughter's 25th birthday weekend possible, and for me to be able to live another day.
The weather was the nastiest I have seen in my limited experience. bands of CB, lighting, hail, other precip etc. We (instructor and I) managed to dodge around clouds and had to divert for an hour to Aurora. The Peoria and Chicago Center controllers were great in helping us. We saw a small window of opportunity to get back while we were on the ground in Aurora, and my instructor quickly filed an IFR flight plan to KPWK. The Chicago controllers got us to KPWK once we were airborne and were absolutely great to work with. We finished off with an RNAV approach so I managed to get my requirements in for the long XC, having previously done a VOR approach at KSPI and an ILS at KSTL.
I wish I knew how to attached JPG as I have some great shots of the Avidyne MFD and nasty weather pictures.
FWIW, I loved landing at Lambert, and the controllers in the air and ground were great working with an inexperienced instrument pilot like me. Landing at Lambert was a really interesting experience with the slight nuances in procedures than what I was used to.
Thanks to all those controllers that helped me make my daughter's 25th birthday weekend possible, and for me to be able to live another day.