I'm a little off topic here, but let's also watch towered airport. This post is from a friend on the Bonanza web board.
This is OT - but my hands are still shaking, and I have to tell some folks who might have some good ideas & advice.
This afternoon my wife (pregnant), dog & I flew from Arizona up to Eagle (Vail) Colorado. Postcard bluesky day - and the new GAMI baffles had me at 202KTAS at 15.5k. Life was good. Able to leave the office at 2:30pm in AZ, and have dinner in Vail with a dear friend who was in town.
I learned to fly in Eagle and lived there for a long time, so know the area very, very well. In range of EGE tower, cancel Flight following (too nice a day to file IFR), talk to tower. Reported left downwind abeam the tower, right on pattern altitude. Cleared to land. Have been monitoring tower freq for 30 miles and I'm the only guy around.
Strobes, taxi & landing lights are on while 10 miles out. Gear down, one notch of flaps, and on final.
Over the threshold and a bit higher -maybe 50 ft - than normal since there is usually a sink at the end of Rwy 25 - and am getting about ready to think about flaring -
THEN - something I hoped I'd never, ever see - a white flash below me
- a Cessna directly BELOW me by 10 - 20 feet and about 30 feet ahead of me just touching down. Yank to the right (the old runway & an open area is that direction) - float over the grass to the right of the runway as I firewall everything as I am paralleing this guy landing.
I could see how many antennas he had on the top, the kind of gas cap, and clearly read his tail number (N1925X). Simply firewalling everything probably would not have stopped my path into this guy - I had to yank over to the right and sidestep as I stopped my descent & firewalled everything.
Start yelling at tower, "Holy Sh** Tower, are you talking to a Cessa 25X??? 54E Going around!!" Tower excitedly and agitatedly asks "Airplane on runway - Eagle Tower.... Airplane on Taxiway Alpha - Eagle Tower.....Airplane at Ramp - Eagle Tower"
Find the numbnuts in the FBO - and the guy is dumber than a post.
Very, very low tide in the gene pool. I am one very, very ****ed off guy because some idiot just about took out my whole family and his only respose was showing some grubby piece of paper with scribbles on it and the comment, "I thought this was the frequency, I think it was last time I came in and been calling on it for a while, but didn't hear nothin' so.. I dunno..." He was not apologetic, not concerned, just looked like a grubby guy with a blank expression. He had no landing light on, no strobes - nothing. Forgot to even raise the flaps.
I guess the 40 biz jets, couple of 757's, and 80 some foot tall new control tower might have tipped him off - but no - this dim bulb just decided it was fine to go ahead and land straight-in and not talk to a soul.
Tower pulled the tapes and at their request, I faxed them my license, medical, & registration (maybe I shouldn't have - but I did nothing
wrong) - and talked with the controller. He is as upset as I am and his boss is talking to this numbnuts. He said the tapes were just as by the book as could be (except for my "HOLY S**T), and said that two other aircraft landing prior & subsequently said they heard no other traffic report. Three Navy KingAirs were at the FBO, and one Navy Ensign said to me, "I saw it and It was the funniest thing - I thought you guys were landing in formation - there was probably 10 - 15 feet vertically between you guys. Then I heard the story and wanted to kick the guys ass myself"
Guys, this pilot should NOT be anywhere near an airplane. If it wasn't me, it might be you, or the GV biz jet, or maybe that 757 with a couple of hundred people on it next time. What can I do to make sure this kind of idiot never gets behind a control wheel until he has it figured out? Who signed this mental midget off on his last BFR?
Sorry for the long rant, but this is the nearest I've come to being a greasy spot for a long time, and all due to the incompetence, ignorance, and laziness of some other pilot.
Can I do more with the FAA to keep this guy on the ground? Can I get him ramp checked? (I would be surprised if there were not deficiencies with the plane). Is there anything else I can do at this point?
OK - I'm done for now. One more margarita before bed - and an extra kiss for the wife since we have lived to tell about this one.
Fly Safe - keep a sharp lookout."