Operation Airdrop


Line Up and Wait
Mar 30, 2014
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Like to fly? Like to help people out? Have a plane? Somewhere near Texas? Operation Airdrop can be found on Facebook. They are moving supplies from KGTU to Beaumont Area and to the coastal areas that were impacted by Hurricane Harvey


From Sept 4th
Over 350 missions to Houston this weekend, almost 300,000lbs of cargo in 150 airplanes. We have fulfilled requests in Sillsbee, Beaumont, Orange County, Bay City, West Houston, Pearland, Rockport, Corpus Christy, Ellington, Galveston, etc. I can't believe the amount of support we've received from volunteers and companies in the area. This has been much bigger than we ever intended it to be and the pictures we are receiving from the towns involved have been amazing.

OPERATION AIRDROP has been an amazing success so far. We mobilized faster and more effectively than the government in many small communities. Airplanes were unloaded in between 7-15mins, items were sorted in less than an hour and in most circumstances were in the hands of someone who needed it in less than 4hrs.

Thanks goes out to our volunteers David Stallsmith, Emily Pettengill Stallsmith, Larry Robicheaux, Marcus Narcisse, Ethan Garrity, Neal Clayton, and many more on the ground at our supply depots in Georgetown and Killeen!

This week we have a DC3 online coming in from Detroit, a few private jets, Ameriflight and American Airlines offering assistance where needed.

Put your plane details and usefull load in an email to airdropdto@gmail.com