One week in Korea...


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 6, 2014
Bayou City
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...means I am now at home, wide awake at 3am. At least i am being mildly productive.

Anybody got any tips? Coming back i think is harder than going over. I guess being at work Monday will force me to get it sorted.
Don't drink coffee or energy drinks and try to stay outside until you are tired...
I thought this was going to be about the Frozen Chosin.... Sadly disappointed. .....
Jetlag never used to bother me but it kicked my butt a couple of months ago when I came back from China. Must be getting old.
I do this episode every year, just not from Korea. I feel the pain.
A week is too short to acclimate to the time zone changes. Try to stay on your current local circadian rhythm as much as possible.
Melatonin 3mg at home-bedtime for a few days.
West bound has always been easier for me than east bound. Going to Singapore next week will be much easier than coming home, arriving at Oh Dark Thirty on Good Friday and having to sing in a service that evening.
This has been a ****ty week. Not sleeping, and super stressed about work. Contractor pulling a fast one on the house while i was gone. Culminating with getting sick. I actually slept close to 8 last night though, so maybe i am out of the woods.