One of our own

looks like he did well.

I dont recognize the name though, what's Chris's user name?
I wonder if he'd followed the debate we had here or on Purpleboard (can't remember) about gear up or down?

GREAT job!
He flagged down a letter carrier? Is that like a mailman?:D
Wow, I had contacted the seller about ferrying this airplane...Now I'm glad Chris got it. HA! Excellent job Sir, getting it down safely and without injury.
WOW, BZ! That was a fantastic job of handling that aircraft, and you did us all a credit in the way you handled yourself in the press, too. Very nicely done; now go have a much deserved drink!
Well Chris i'll add my Glad You made it safe, and if your the the Harrisburg area give me a call and i'll buy you a drink. You not only had a safe landing but watching to video you made the right choice and did avaition GOOD. It's nice to see a story where the pilot and plane had minimal damage and noone was hurt or killed.
I'll say it again JOB WELL DONE Chris.:yes:
Dave Gaiski:blueplane:
P.S. now you'll have to postand use the BLUE PLANE too (LOL)