One-hundred Years Ago...


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
...airplanes were a curiosity. Paved roads were the exception. Houston was a small lumber town.

And my wife's grandmother, Lillian Cox, was born. One hundred years ago, today.

We fly out in the morning to see her and to attend her 100th Birthday Celebration. It is a blessing beyond belief that Tommy has gotten the opportunity to know his great-grandmother so well, and she shows little sign of slowing down.

Happy Birthday, Miss Lillian!
...airplanes were a curiosity. Paved roads were the exception. Houston was a small lumber town.

And my wife's grandmother, Lillian Cox, was born. One hundred years ago, today.

We fly out in the morning to see her and to attend her 100th Birthday Celebration. It is a blessing beyond belief that Tommy has gotten the opportunity to know his great-grandmother so well, and she shows little sign of slowing down.

Happy Birthday, Miss Lillian!

Happy B-Day!!!!!:goofy: :goofy: :goofy:
Excellent, Spike! Wish her a happy birthday from me!
Spike - Miss Lillian sounds like a truly awesome woman - and one who has the ability to run me ragged trying to keep up with her :)

But hey: if you've still got it together at 100, in the lyrics of a current pop song, "do your thang, honey!"

... and do wish her a wonderful birthday from me.

As one who dabbles in geneaology; it you haven't already, get all of those great stories and memories of hers recorded somewhere. Written is good, told by her is even better - a current and future treasure for Tommy. I would have loved the opportunity to meet my great grandparents, but the generations were way too far apart to consider it.

A special Happy Birthday to her! :)

That's great. I'm always encouraged by those still around to remind us of what our roots were. I miss that about the only grandmother I knew.
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I preach against smoking and make comments how only stupid people smoke. Then, I'll come across someone in their late 80's or 90's who had smoked all their life; and still are! :dunno:

Hey, just 'cuz they got lucky and cheated death doesn't mean they aren't stupid! (Sorry smokers... I call 'em like I see 'em.)

Spike, tell that amazin' lady happy birthday from all of us! And then, get her to tell you about the first time she was on an airplane, and post it here. I asked my dad that one a few months ago, and got a rather unexpected and interesting story.
Leslie, great advice, and I'll heed.

Same thing, Kent.
Hey, just 'cuz they got lucky and cheated death doesn't mean they aren't stupid! (Sorry smokers... I call 'em like I see 'em.)

Spike, tell that amazin' lady happy birthday from all of us! And then, get her to tell you about the first time she was on an airplane, and post it here. I asked my dad that one a few months ago, and got a rather unexpected and interesting story.
Which you are going to post here, right? :)
Good for her! Give her my best, and a happy birthday!

In that photo, though, she's showing something to a younger customer ...

What DOES that woman have on her head? Funky little hat? Tiara???

Times have sure changed...
Tell her happy birthday from the folks at PoA and Today
... It is a blessing beyond belief that Tommy has gotten the opportunity to know his great-grandmother so well

That is awesome! I was alive to meet my Mom's grandma, but I was sooo young I have no recollection other than walking into her warm kitchen to smell the fresh baked bread, served with butter she churned herself. The only words I remember was to "take small bites and chew well, we don't want you to choke".

I do recall good converstions with my Dad's Mom, and she told me stories of remembering horse drawn wagons when she was a child, then seeing cars, then the advent of airplanes, then seeing men on the moon. She thought it was a wonderful era to live, and she was thrilled to see man progress so far during her lifetime. Wonderful converstions for an 8 year old, and I still remember them well.

Tell Tommy to drink it in while he can.
A happy birthday indeed!
Good Southern Living sounds like a cure all :)
Huge 100th Birthday Party!

Fifteen minutes before the party was to begin, sixty guests had already arrived. The Grandmother is quite remarkable. She drives her own car anywhere she wants to go. Her hearing and sight are excellent. She is very mobile. Below is a picture of the Grandmother and me. In the second picture is Spike with his Grandmother-in-law and Mother-in-law. It was an honor for me to be there. I have never been to a 100th birthday party, and I doubt that I will ever attend another.


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Re: Huge 100th Birthday Party!

Fifteen minutes before the party was to begin, sixty guests had already arrived. The Grandmother is quite remarkable. She drives her own car anywhere she wants to go. Her hearing and sight are excellent. She is very mobile. Below is a picture of the Grandmother and me. In the second picture is Spike with his Grandmother-in-law and Mother-in-law. It was an honor for me to be there. I have never been to a 100th birthday party, and I doubt that I will ever attend another.
Wow, she looks good!
Thanks, Mike, for making the scene; we ended up with over 300 folks in the guest book, and it was a great deal of fun. The whole time we were there, we had a video with photos and music, made by our own Jesse Angell, playing on the projection screen, and it was a big hit.

Grandmother was on her feet for the entire time of the party, and seemed not the least bit fazed. We are dropping by her house in the morning before taking off to battle 40-knot headwinds home (frown).

It's a real treat to be a part of this family, but it tells me one thing in stark clarity: Celia Jane is bound to outlive me!
Here are a couple of pics showing how "stylish," "vibrant," and "centenarian" can exist at the same time, in the same person.


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Spike, looks like a true southern lady!
Raising a glass of Burbon to toast her.