Touchdown! Greaser!
Would the new species kill off the old?Wouldnt that be a benefit though? Isn't that how species improve?
Cro Magnon and Neanderthal were contemporaries - only one survived.
Would the new species kill off the old?Wouldnt that be a benefit though? Isn't that how species improve?
Its the engine of improvement, why do we resist?Would the new species kill off the old?
Cro Magnon and Neanderthal were contemporaries - only one survived.
First one there is the winner.Its the engine of improvement, why do we resist?
Not following.First one there is the winner.
"Idiocracy" is sort of depressing now.
Well, if the first group into the new species manages to kill off the old species, that's progress.Not following.
Ok, I haven't seen it and didn't get the reference. Well I guess it hasn't happened yet so the odds are in our favor.Well, if the first group into the new species manages to kill off the old species, that's progress.
But if the first group into the new species (see the movie "Idiocracy") is the group that should be extinct, then there's not much hope for the rest of us.
Here's how it starts:Ok, I haven't seen it and didn't get the reference. Well I guess it hasn't happened yet so the odds are in our favor.
That gave me a good laugh. The affliction of affluence!Here's how it starts:
And having a gun handy changes these stories?
There is a school of thought that having a gun provides you attacker with one.
I was going to quote some stats, but this guy has included some good ones in this article.First problem is, certainly there are cases where someone's gun has been taken and used against them. But statistics used for that argument always ignore all the times guns have saved people. Only the times where someone is shot are reported to police but these are not usually published in the news. But a gun never fired is used multiple more times to prevent crimes. These are never in your data.
My Florida permit is widely accepted, but it changes all the time. Whenever I'm going out of state I check to make sure it's still honored everywhere I'll be.
Reciprocity has been in work for a while. I think it will get there eventually.
Talk about being dishonest. You take the cake. A silly toy. Really?? I can't think of ONE toy, silly or otherwise that I could use to wound 500 people and kill 58 others. Your either being dishonest, or you should reconsider your understanding of the word toy.
Part of that is this desire for everyone to play fair and be nice, then we don't need to worry about security and safety.
Seems most of my gun totin', shoot'em all and let God sort'em out redneck type friends are against the bump stocks. Imagine that.
Just give whirled peas a chance....
Incrementalism, they ban this then they say well you can do it with your finger we can't ban fingers so we need to ban...blah blah blah.
I agree that incrementalism is part of the plan, but incrementalism isn't the strategy itself to limit firearms. Incrementalism is being used as the method by which we are conditioned into believing that firearms are dangerous, unnecessary, de-stabilizing, etc. The goal is to change our attitudes towards firearms, and they do that one small step at a time. On that front, I would say the ant-gunners are making good progress.
Coincidentally, for our trip to Barber in AL I had to check for reciprocity with GA:
Carrying a gun is about so much more than just carrying a gun. It's about situational awareness first of all. The first lesson is to be alert to your surroundings
First, they are more likely to be targets to start with and second, they are outmatched by their attacker even if trained in martial arts or self defense.
To steal the analogies from earlier in the thread: You may as well say the same of everything else that has been adapted and abused to cause mass casualties, from trucks and pressure cookers, to everyday fertilizer. If you consider shooting inanimate objects to be massive damage, do you consider wear and tear on the road to be the same? I mean, after the past year, I can't wait for the UK to ban automobiles.Talk about being dishonest. You take the cake. A silly toy. Really?? I can't think of ONE toy, silly or otherwise that I could use to wound 500 people and kill 58 others. Your either being dishonest, or you should reconsider your understanding of the word toy.
You say this "toy" was designed to send a lot of lead downrange quickly, but that it was not designed to do massive damage. What a load of BS. Why send a whole magazine of lead downrange as rapidly as possible if not to do damage? What, do people buy these idiot things to fire into the air, or into a pond? Do they load the gun with blanks? I think not. They are intended to tear things up.
There are only two reasons to buy one, one is to project a lot of destructive force onto harmless targets like TV sets, junk cars, jugs full of liquid, exploding targets, or any other random junk people can dream up, solely for the purpose of entertainment. The other reason is to shoot people as fast as you can solely for the purpose to incapacitate or kill those people. Either way, it is designed to aid you in doing massive damage.
The gun nut bravado in this thread is a little sickening in this thread in light of what has happened.
To steal the analogies from earlier in the thread: You may as well say the same of everything else that has been adapted and abused to cause mass casualties, from trucks and pressure cookers, to everyday fertilizer. If you consider shooting inanimate objects to be massive damage, do you consider wear and tear on the road to be the same? I mean, after the past year, I can't wait for the UK to ban automobiles.
Y'all don't actually think life is fair?
Haha. Was just looking at that map and wondering what problem Nebraska (of all places) and New Mexico have with Florida. LOL.
Too many Florida Man jokes?![]()
I don't really understand your point here. Are you saying we don't need either? Or, that it is worthless discuss our need for either?
Though not absolute, Karen and I will avoid or expedite travel through states that do not honor our CCW licenses.
Aside #1: I see VA is new on the list of states honoring our GA licenses.
Aside #2: When traveling into a non-reciprocal state, we are always nervous about how to comply. We usually unload the pistols and put them in a suitcase or equivalent and the magazines separate. Yet in Chicago or DC that may or may not be enough to avoid a charge if push ever came to shove, depending on exactly how their laws are written.
Aside #3: In the police academy, I recall a video of a scenario where a traffic stop was being simulated. The officers correctly placed their vehicles about 30' behind the subject vehicle. The driver immediately exited with a rubber knife and ran directly back towards the officer. In most cases, he was on them and stabbing before they could react and draw their weapons. Eye opening. Probably a similar exercise can be found on YouTube.
Aside #4: In critiquing many of the recent police shootings, in my opinion one contributing factor was the officer getting way too close - think Michael Brown or the kid with the toy gun. The whole point of a firearm is to be able to affect things at a distance!
Actually the training for young women is a very good idea.Not sure what your point is. There is also a school of thought that UFOs are kidnapping people and doing experiments on them. Doesn't make it true.
First problem is, certainly there are cases where someone's gun has been taken and used against them. But statistics used for that argument always ignore all the times guns have saved people. Only the times where someone is shot are reported to police but these are not usually published in the news. But a gun never fired is used multiple more times to prevent crimes. These are never in your data.
Had my friend who was leaving the bar had a gun on his hip, when the attackers approached him, he might have merely swept back his jacket and let them see the gun. They then would have turned tail and left him alone. This exact thing happened to my brother. Nothing to report because no crime happened, these never get into your data.
"Having a gun handy" would have changed these stories if the victims had been trained properly. This is why we enrolled our teenage girls in intensive civilian firearms self defense courses. As they were young women going out into the world, we weren't going to just give them a handgun and expect them to automatically use it properly if ever needed. That's nuts. It's like putting someone into a plane and telling them to fly it with no lessons.
Carrying a gun is about so much more than just carrying a gun. It's about situational awareness first of all. The first lesson is to be alert to your surroundings and ready to extract yourself from suspicious situations before it's ever necessary to pull a gun.
But if it comes to that, you know how to position yourself and how to carry it so it cannot be removed easily from you, you know how to draw very fast and shoot without hesitation, you learn to fire while moving quickly backwards and how to never let people get the jump on you.
You get the idea, I could go on. But if you say "but most people don't bother to get such training" my response is, "The gun still might save them. And if it doesn't, the outcome probably would have been the same anyway."
If someone wants to rape or kill you and they don't already have a gun, they will do it regardless, unless you are physically big and strong enough to repel them, and even if you are, what if there are multiple assailants?
Speaking of physical strength, guns are most needed by women, small or weak men, the elderly and the disabled. First, they are more likely to be targets to start with and second, they are outmatched by their attacker even if trained in martial arts or self defense. Only guns level the field for the smaller, the weak and the single person facing multiple attackers. But anyone, even a black belt master, could end up in that last category. Karate-ing your way out of 5 assailants looks good in the movies- real life not so much.
Actually the training for young women is a very good idea.
Also consider a martial art. My wife did KukSulWan but TAE Kwan Do is pretty popular. It is a good defensive philosophy, teaches coordination and much more.
To be honest, "hand to hand combat " is more likely to be needed in every day life than a gun.
FL permit is valid in Nebraska and New Mexico. Eddie is in GA.
Permit reciprocity hinges on several factors, like differences between states in training requirements or minimum age. Similar differences exist for driver's licenses and the states are okay with that. I'd like to see nationwide reciprocity. Right now a state can stop honoring another state's permits on a whim.
Though not absolute, Karen and I will avoid or expedite travel through states that do not honor our CCW licenses.
Aside #1: I see VA is new on the list of states honoring our GA licenses.
Aside #2: When traveling into a non-reciprocal state, we are always nervous about how to comply. We usually unload the pistols and put them in a suitcase or equivalent and the magazines separate. Yet in Chicago or DC that may or may not be enough to avoid a charge if push ever came to shove, depending on exactly how their laws are written.
Aside #3: In the police academy, I recall a video of a scenario where a traffic stop was being simulated. The officers correctly placed their vehicles about 30' behind the subject vehicle. The driver immediately exited with a rubber knife and ran directly back towards the officer. In most cases, he was on them and stabbing before they could react and draw their weapons. Eye opening. Probably a similar exercise can be found on YouTube.
Aside #4: In critiquing many of the recent police shootings, in my opinion one contributing factor was the officer getting way too close - think Michael Brown or the kid with the toy gun. The whole point of a firearm is to be able to affect things at a distance!
"Need" should never be part of this conversation, I agree. That's why I wanted him to outline his criteria for what a needs is. His idea of needs will be based on his subjective perception, as will everyone else's. That's why the conversation about gun rights needs to be focused on the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.The last part. Once the discussion degrades to "is it needed" the lines are drawn and there is little chance of changing anyone's mind (or heart).
I know anti-gun atheists and pistol packing bible thumpers. Talk about different perceptions of '"need."
Nothing is ever "needed" until it is. Seatbelts and airbags are a reasonable metaphor."Need" should never be part of this conversation, I agree. That's why I wanted him to outline his criteria for what a needs is. His idea of needs will be based on his subjective perception, as will everyone else's. That's why the conversation about gun rights needs to be focused on the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.
"Need" should never be part of this conversation, I agree. That's why I wanted him to outline his criteria for what a needs is. His idea of needs will be based on his subjective perception, as will everyone else's. That's why the conversation about gun rights needs to be focused on the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.
Meh- I've always considered the 2A argument a bit of a stretch. I'm good with the conversation that we are overly regulated. The 2A argument has been a good strategic move by the NRA.
Let's push this word "need" for a second. Location: mid west. Would you rather
A. Not have a car
B. Not have a gun
I suppose we could just go with the strict reading..
Anyway- it seems in America you are either conservative or liberal. I could never identify with either. I guess I'm just a dumb old RINO...
What part? I'm not seeing which part could be stretched. Do you think it was specific to the time period and doesn't apply now?Meh- I've always considered the 2A argument a bit of a stretch.
Meh- I've always considered the 2A argument a bit of a stretch. I'm good with the conversation that we are overly regulated. The 2A argument has been a good strategic move by the NRA.
Let's push this word "need" for a second. Location: mid west. Would you rather
A. Not have a car
B. Not have a gun
I suppose we could just go with the strict reading..
Anyway- it seems in America you are either conservative or liberal. I could never identify with either. I guess I'm just a dumb old RINO...
We're so conditioned to believe gov't knows best and to accept their definitions of responsibility and safety. I grew up in a family that never wore seatbelts, ever. I can't think of a single time I ever wore a seatbelt before I started driving myself. We would also ride in the back of pick-ups sitting on the bed rails or standing up behind the cab. None of us ever got hurt. The worst of it was probably getting something in your eye in the back of the truck when all the hay debris would fly around at highway speeds.If you really want to get down to it, none of us "need" anything beyond shelter from the elements, water and food. But it's nice to have stuff in addition.
To turn it around, we are now told we "need" things that we all got along perfectly fine without until some expert told us otherwise. Flu shots. Car seats for the babies. There's a good one, my two kids were in a car seat every single ride of their lives until the age/weight they graduated to seat belts. We never- not once- had an accident with them in the car their entire childhood. In retrospect we didn't "need" to have them in car seats at all.
Well, my wife is a deputy prosecutor- much more capable at reading the actual constitution and related law than it. So you will miss her read of the law.What part? I'm not seeing which part could be stretched. Do you think it was specific to the time period and doesn't apply now?
On that one- I wouldn't last long against my former self in the army.Brian,
IMO it not the best strategic move by the NRA but was proposed by the founders of our great nation to preserve human rights from being usurped by the King of England who detested the thought of the colonies having the nerve to declare independence and was willing to take over by force.
Now, consider what the militia was back then. It was not the National Guard as some would profess. It was the armed citizenry who had and were able to bear arms against tyranny and in defense of the newly established nation as well as in defense of themselves and others.
Our forefathers had the insight to realize that at some point in history our elected government would become corrupt and wanting power to rule over us. An armed citizenry can put the stops to government takeover.
Sounds like you and I had the same upbringing.We're so conditioned to believe gov't knows best and to accept their definitions of responsibility and safety. I grew up in a family that never wore seatbelts, ever. I can't think of a single time I ever wore a seatbelt before I started driving myself. We would also ride in the back of pick-ups sitting on the bed rails or standing up behind the cab. None of us ever got hurt. The worst of it was probably getting something in your eye in the back of the truck when all the hay debris would fly around at highway speeds.
Sounds like you and I had the same upbringing.
Mom or Dad's arms were our seatbelts when I was a little kid. Laying in the back window of the car looking up at the sky was my "spaceship".![]()
Well, my wife is a deputy prosecutor- much more capable at reading the actual constitution and related law than it. So you will miss her read of the law.
Regardless, the 2A does not state things as clearly as I've heard many say. The word militia in there doesn't help either.
Then you have to take in case law - basically where the court rules previously. This is why the uber liberal and uber conservative try to stack the courts with like minded individuals.
Well, my wife is a deputy prosecutor- much more capable at reading the actual constitution and related law than it. So you will miss her read of the law.
Regardless, the 2A does not state things as clearly as I've heard many say. The word militia in there doesn't help either.
Then you have to take in case law - basically where the court rules previously. This is why the uber liberal and uber conservative try to stack the courts with like minded individuals.