On-line backup services

There has to be some way for my neighbor and I to back each other up over our home wireless networks. We can both see each other's routers. My house would have to burn pretty hot to destroy a backup at his house.

Be careful with offline backup services if you have a monthly data cap. You may not even know you have one - At one point, Comcast was imposing a limit in the fine print of its "unlimited" home service, and applications such as peer-to-peer movie bootlegging would trigger it.

Glory be, Paul, you've verily inspired me!


Can I get an amen?

If you're really bored, build your own lasers... then aim them carefully between the houses, and then write your own Ethernet firmware...

You'll have a screaming fast local LAN between you and the neighbor in no time for backing up a few Terrabytes of useless crap on a hard drive! Wheee! :)