Soccer - played by men or women - is a sport.
Diving - done by men or women - is not a sport.
Curling - done by men or women - is a sport.
Figure skating - done by men or women, or both - is not a sport.
During a night of wine tasting a friend of mine and I had the "what is a sport" discussion. Over the years we've modified the list a little, but here is our best inebriated effort at defining what constitutes a sport - short and simple:
1) There must not be judges or subjective scoring
2) There must be a ball in play
3) The participants must be fit, athletic and skilled
Not sports - aerobatics, swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hockey, racing (especially NASCAR), diving, figure skating, synchronized anything, curling, golf (see #3), and cheer leading for christ sake, etc.
Sports - football, basketball, futbol, water polo (that hurts), volleyball, etc.
Still under debate - Baseball (see #3)
You are welcome to disagree. To do so, please bring two bottles of good red wine and your own steak to the lake house.