Old posts


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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It seems the oldest posts that you can browse through are from about April, and the Search function also seems to go back only to April. I looked at the archive but it's painfully difficult to find anything in there unless you know the subject and the date it was posted (which isn't listed, you just have to click on threads until you find the right page).

However, it seems that if you post a link to a certain thread, it's still there (not in the archive, but the main site). How can you find these threads without knowing a direct link?
flyingcheesehead said:
It seems the oldest posts that you can browse through are from about April, and the Search function also seems to go back only to April. I looked at the archive but it's painfully difficult to find anything in there unless you know the subject and the date it was posted (which isn't listed, you just have to click on threads until you find the right page).

However, it seems that if you post a link to a certain thread, it's still there (not in the archive, but the main site). How can you find these threads without knowing a direct link?

Odd - I just searched normally and found posts all the way back to March of 2005, which I believe is when POA started.

Maybe a PEBCAK error?
I'm not having any issues either.

Kent, can you give an example of your search string?
Brian Austin said:
I'm not having any issues either.

Kent, can you give an example of your search string?

Now, I'm beginning to wonder...

I'm looking for a thread that I thought I posted in early April about flying a Twin Comanche out in Oregon. I searched for "Twin Comanche" and "Twinkie" just now and it's not there, though today older posts are once again showing up in the search. :dunno: I forget what exact search strings I was using yesterday.

Is there any way to browse back to old threads? The other thing I tried was to just click on my name and choose find more posts by this user, but that only went back to April 21st (true still today).

Could it be that I never posted to begin with? I did the write-up, and it's on my blog and in my journal. However, I even remember discussion afterwards, so I had to have posted it. :dunno:
Are you using the Advanced Search features? There are more details in there that would help narrow it down.

Other than that, I can't really tell you since I don't know.
Brian Austin said:
Are you using the Advanced Search features? There are more details in there that would help narrow it down.

Naah, just the little search box.

Does anyone *else* remember me posting about it? :redface:
flyingcheesehead said:
Naah, just the little search box.

Does anyone *else* remember me posting about it? :redface:
The quick search does have some predefined parameters. For older posts you will need to go to the Advanced Search functions.
Greebo said:
The quick search does have some predefined parameters. For older posts you will need to go to the Advanced Search functions.


Good to know. Thanks Chuck! :)