Oil quantity: C-85 + remote oil filter


Line Up and Wait
Aug 26, 2017
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Jay Williams
The Continental C-85 Overhaul Manual says the sump capacity for the C-85 is 4.5 quarts. I've installed a remote oil filter.

1) How much oil should I add after an oil change?

2) At how much below that dipstick indication is it safe to run the engine?
Put 5 in it. top as necessary.
If you aren’t already super familiar with the engine- make sure you don’t have an O-200 sump on her. Word is it’s not unheard for c85s to somehow have an 0-200 sump on it from way back possibly not logged...
With an remote oil filter you will likely have as much as a full quart increase in oil capacity. However, it is the level indicated on the dipstick that is important. Not the actual amount, but the indication. Filling to the maximum capacity isn’t usually advisable. Most engines will “spit” (aspirate) the first quart out quickly depositing it on the belly of the plane. I’d fill to within 1qt of maximum at oil change. Add when it gets down to 4qts showing. Or like another poster succinctly stated, 5qts. But it may take close to 6qts to show 4.5. The minimum level stated in manual indicated is still minimum as that relates to oil pickup tube level in engine which has nothing to do with oil in filter or lines. (Typically 2qts showing minimum for operation, 4 for take off).