Oil Analysis


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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This last oil change I did, the first since I did the top overhaul, I decided to start doing the oil analysis. I got my sample cups from Aircraft Spruce and read the instructions and successfully got it all together without getting oil all over the hanger floor, the airplane or me.

I filled out the requirment paperwork and went off to the Post Office to mail it to the P.O. Box in AZ that was pre-printed on the sample cup/shipping container. This is where I started to have problems. The USPO claims it is cannot ship these oil samples as they are hazardous material. I asked them to show me in the regs where it says that an oil sample meets this criteria and they could not but did try. It seems to me that if the company that does these samples is using a PO Box they must expect US Mail as UPS does not deliver to PO Boxes.

So what is going on? Do. you guys ship your samples in the mail and if so how do you convince the USPO it is allowed?

I convinced the post office this time it was ok as the oil sample was mineral oil which is common to baby oil and used by people as a laxative. How could such a benign product be hazardous? Can you believe they bough that argument:rolleyes:?
smigaldi said:
This last oil change I did, the first since I did the top overhaul, I decided to start doing the oil analysis. I got my sample cups from Aircraft Spruce and read the instructions and successfully got it all together without getting oil all over the hanger floor, the airplane or me.

I filled out the requirment paperwork and went off to the Post Office to mail it to the P.O. Box in AZ that was pre-printed on the sample cup/shipping container. This is where I started to have problems. The USPO claims it is cannot ship these oil samples as they are hazardous material. I asked them to show me in the regs where it says that an oil sample meets this criteria and they could not but did try. It seems to me that if the company that does these samples is using a PO Box they must expect US Mail as UPS does not deliver to PO Boxes.

So what is going on? Do. you guys ship your samples in the mail and if so how do you convince the USPO it is allowed?

I convinced the post office this time it was ok as the oil sample was mineral oil which is common to baby oil and used by people as a laxative. How could such a benign product be hazardous? Can you believe they bough that argument:rolleyes:?
When they find out the "baby oil" is contaminated with really bad stuff like LEAD you're going to be joining Ted K. behind bars. :rolleyes:

You remind me that I asked my mechanic to send my oil off for analysis. I never did hear if they got a report back.
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I've been sending off oil samples to Aviation Laboratories for years. They send a postage paid box with label, I put the sample in the box, wrapped in a zip lock bag and put it in the mailbox. Never had any problems with this.

Hope this helps.
I've used Blackstone Labs who will send you their mailers for free. There's an inner plastic bottle that contains the oil and a larger plastic bottle on which you put the mailing label and postage. I've nver had a problem mailing one.
No problem here mailing the samples. But I do put them in a larger padded envelope.
smigaldi said:

So what is going on? Do. you guys ship your samples in the mail and if so how do you convince the USPO it is allowed?

I convinced the post office this time it was ok as the oil sample was mineral oil which is common to baby oil and used by people as a laxative. How could such a benign product be hazardous? Can you believe they bough that argument:rolleyes:?

I guess it depends on who you get at the counter.

My mom lives in Florida, yesterday she was going to send my wife some perfume. The counter person asks my mom if the package contains anything fragile, flammable or toxic. My mom says well it's perfume. The counter person says you cant ship that it might leak and catch the plane on fire, and if that happened they would know it was you and track you down. My mom left without sending the package. :mad:

river_rat said:
I guess it depends on who you get at the counter.

My mom lives in Florida, yesterday she was going to send my wife some perfume. The counter person asks my mom if the package contains anything fragile, flammable or toxic. My mom says well it's perfume. The counter person says you cant ship that it might leak and catch the plane on fire, and if that happened they would know it was you and track you down. My mom left without sending the package. :mad:


Institutional stupid. And they woner why people choose UPS.
USPS is worthless. They should close it down. I NEVER send anything
bigger than a letter thru them. And I always request UPS when I
order something on line or when someone is sending me something. Their
counter people are arrogant and if they worked in a private sector
job serving the public they wouldn't last a week.
Find another office. I go to my local hole-in-the-wall USPS branch and get some of the best customer service anywhere. I've tried other branches and gotten the more customary government-worker "I can't be bothered, I work for the guvment" attitude. Smaller branches are usually better. The sad thing, for USPS workers, is in general it just doesn't pay to think. They are so micromanaged I think it just squeezes life out of otherwise good people.

No offense to USPS management. Well, maybe a little....:D
flyersfan31 said:
Find another office. I go to my local hole-in-the-wall USPS branch and get some of the best customer service anywhere. I've tried other branches and gotten the more customary government-worker "I can't be bothered, I work for the guvment" attitude. Smaller branches are usually better. The sad thing, for USPS workers, is in general it just doesn't pay to think. They are so micromanaged I think it just squeezes life out of otherwise good people.

No offense to USPS management. Well, maybe a little....:D
I agree entirely. I just had my engine overhauled and a lifter failed at 25hrs. A replacement cam and lifters were sent USPS on 3 May 06 and still is not here. They wont do anything untill it has been out 30days.:hairraise: