Oh Boy, Am I In Trouble!


Jun 2, 2012
Southern California
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So I'm in bed the other night watching reruns (season 2) of Flying Wild Alaska and my wife rolls over and says: "I think I'd like to learn to fly a plane." :hairraise:

Now what do I do? Flying is the only time I get to get away from her!:mad2:
A similar thing thing happened to me a few years ago. It was the best thing that ever happened to my marriage. We finally have something we can enjoy together.

Several years ago, I asked her about buying a motorcycle. She didn't like the idea because they were too dangerous.,
Then I asked her about buying a boat. She said that was like pouring money into the ocean.
Then she got her pilots license and I asked her about buying a plane. She said "GREAT!". She still balks when I say I want to go out to dinner, but if I say lets fly to Jekyll Island for lunch, she jumps at it.
Thats AWESOME! I wish I could have more things to do in common with my wife. It could open the door to a lot of fun!
My wife is extremely frightened of airplanes. She gets mildly freaked.out seeing them in the sky.
If your avatar is a picture of her, I don't see the problem.
But if it isn't and she starts reading PoA - well, I guess it all depends on what you two have worked out, eh?
If your avatar is a picture of her, I don't see the problem.
But if it isn't and she starts reading PoA - well, I guess it all depends on what you two have worked out, eh?
Are you kidding me....that's her favorite picture (I photoshopped that pin up with a pair of my grandpa's WWII wings).

Define " Mildly freaked out ".:dunno::dunno:;)
If she sees an aircraft in the sky of any size she feels compelled to watch it until it is no longer in her sight, and she exhibits minor panic. She seems to think that if she takes her eyes off of it, it will crash. She will occasionally fly commercial, but white knuckles it the entire way.

It is really quite odd.
So I'm in bed the other night watching reruns (season 2) of Flying Wild Alaska and my wife rolls over and says: "I think I'd like to learn to fly a plane." :hairraise:

Now what do I do? Flying is the only time I get to get away from her!:mad2:

I would just love to have that problem.

My wife gets freaked out by all the activity pre-landing. I'm muttering things like "carbheatgasundercarriagemixturepowersafetybelt," touching all the relevant controls (whether adjusting them or not), while Tower is calling traffic she doesn't see and I'm responding, and the usual bayside thermals are bouncing us around.

I'm trying to explain the stuff to her, but we all remember what a firehose of information it is at first.
It sounds like she wants to spend some time with you which is very cool for a marriage. You guys could be like the King's and share this endeavor together.
It sounds like she wants to spend some time with you which is very cool for a marriage. You guys could be like the King's and share this endeavor together.

And have the same sense of humor - ah, marital bliss! :wink2:
Yeah, then the two of you can be more corny than Iowa.
Maybe it will pass. My BF said he wanted to be a pilot, he saw in some magazine he could take a few days off work, get it done in three thousand dollars, and be done. I laughed and said "go for it." This to a guy who wouldn't spend three hundred dollars on a part his beloved Camaro needed, one he has poured tens of thousands of dollars into since high school.

Later he found the magazine, that was without fuel and without a CFI and several hours' drive from his house.

Now he has gone back to complaining about me spending too much time at the airport. Last weekend we chilled out around his house and at the end of the weekend he said something to the effect of:

"See? Isn't this more fun than hanging out at the airport?"

(I probably spent / borrowed more than 15-20K for my Private and spent several days per week over nine months at the airport..... you have to really want it to get it..... I don't think he has it in him.)
Hey, you can't deny they're corny as all hell... and I can't deny that their stuff works, possibly in part because of it.

Ah come on you have to love Bob's opening line: "Well heelllooo flying enthusiast". :rofl:

However I agree they're corny but they make it simple and I like that.
That happens to me all the time. You women are sure a sleepy bunch... :D

Dude, I was kidding. I'm sure I told him it was the best weekend of my life. On Saturday we did take the boat to the lake and I got to swim and almost jump off a rope swing, so not half bad. Oh and then there were steamed clams, and I think I mowed the lawn. Or maybe that was the weekend before.

Can't wait until I get to the airport on this upcoming Saturday, I am spending my first FULL day there and I think I'm going to get in a G1000, a 210, a 150, and a 172. At the end of the day they are having aviation movie night on a screen in a hangar. Oh and it will be my first flour bombing.
So I'm in bed the other night watching reruns (season 2) of Flying Wild Alaska and my wife rolls over and says: "I think I'd like to learn to fly a plane." :hairraise:

Now what do I do? Flying is the only time I get to get away from her!:mad2:
You get her hooked up with the CFI and show her how hard it really is to fly. Just because Ariel (sp?) can do it on camera doesn't mean she can. Maybe she'll try it and say "This is too hard, nevermind"

But for ME it's awesome my husband has his certificate. We can fly together and one can do the radio and watch for traffic the other can have their hands near the controls (presummably the plane is trimmed for cruise)

But if for some reason it gets too windy I have a pilot sitting right next to me to either do the landing or encourage me to do it.

If it's a $$ thing then ask if she's willing to give up her shoe shopping addiction or whatever her thing is to do it.
No shopping habit and she's pretty low maintenance. I think I'm going to take her to the Aero Club and let her take the reigns. Let's see if she really wants to commit to it.
No shopping habit and she's pretty low maintenance. I think I'm going to take her to the Aero Club and let her take the reigns. Let's see if she really wants to commit to it.
She does something to spend money or use her time. It's definetly a time/money commitment. :)

Keep us posted!
I would like it if my wife were interested in learning to fly. She is happy to go with me, and enjoys riding in the plane. But I can't even get her to just hold the controls while we fly straight and level. It would be nice if she would at least be a human auto-pilot while I check a chart, or something. But, given that she likes to go with me, I can't be too picky.
mile high club commercial = risky, difficult
mile high club GA = easy
okay 2 mile club - plenty of recovery altitude.
Dude, I'm the pilot. He doesn't even fly. Not gonna happen.

You're still a free agent, it seems.

You just need a new BF. One that flies. Owns a nice plane. Or two. Kept in a hanger. At a cool airport. Within a 25 mile radius of your present location. Use the FAA database and get to work cutting one from the herd.

Let us know how it works out...

You're still a free agent, it seems.

You just need a new BF. One that flies. Owns a nice plane. Or two. Kept in a hanger. At a cool airport. Within a 25 mile radius of your present location. Use the FAA database and get to work cutting one from the herd.

Let us know how it works out...


Why does everyone think if you are not married you are free? That is not how it works.
Why does everyone think if you are not married you are free? That is not how it works.

Oh boy.............................

Kimberly does live in Kalifornia, so the rules are different there...

If she was rich and her BF was poor and they broke up, Kimberly could hire Gloria Alred and the attorney would scream. "Not a dollar belongs to the BF as they were not married".:yesnod::yesnod:

If he was rich and Kimberly was poor and they broke up, ol Gloria would be screaming " she is entitled to half of his money... married or not".. YMMV.

Let's keep on topic of OP. (let the wife at least try flight training!)