A good AOBD that knows how to set up such, is worth their weight in gold.
Methinks the drone operator got a big lesson in what "TFR" means.
And as Alan points out, there's definitely a right way and a wrong way to operate inside a TFR. It starts with a phone call to the managing authority printed in the text version of every TFR. Popping up inside one is probably not the best way to introduce yourself to the world.
It isn't THAT hard to get permission nor to coordinate with the AOBD.
The fact that the drone company went straight to whining on their blog, IEEE picked it up, then TechDirt, then every Tech news aggregator on the planet, kinda shows where the operator's attitude and priorities were.
Time better spent talking to the AOBD and seeing if the photography product was even needed, or working with the ICS staff to explain who needed it and why.
The railroads and pipeline folks easily got clearances and time/altitude coordination for their surveys with private aircraft, which proves it's 100% "do-able" to get a request to the appropriate folks and have a flight "deconflicted" with other known traffic. They even popped a time slot and area open for the Press helo.
All ya gotta do is ask, properly.
Basic ICS courses to speak the language of modern emergency response, are free and available on the Internet...