NWA 747 has gear problem, dumps fuel. Detroit panics.

Maybe we'll have fewer mosquitos this year.

I must've gotten six calls from people asking why they dump fuel. The media reported everything from a leak to possible terrorism to reduced fire risk on landing. It was my chance to plug aviation safety, and reaffirm the fact that television is entertainment and nothing else.

My question is, why do they dump at such a low altitude? I'm guessing they want to stay in a position where they can land as quickly as possible. They maneuvered over the Dexter area for quite awhile with the gear down, quite an awesome sight.
Sitting in the waiting room of my eye doc I picked up a copy of Reader's Digest to read a passenger's account of the Jet Blue incident at LAX. The article was complete terror, you'd think the world was coming to an end. Passengers were writing last letters to loved ones or scrambling to leave text messages to their families. If you believed the sensationalized article you'd think folks were ready to commit hari kari.
tom. said:
My question is, why do they dump at such a low altitude? I'm guessing they want to stay in a position where they can land as quickly as possible. They maneuvered over the Dexter area for quite awhile with the gear down, quite an awesome sight.

Low altitude + Gear Down = Highest possible fuel burn rate = lowest possible amount of fuel to dump
