Now the Kenyans Are in the Game


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
Display Name

Display name:
Harley Reich
The e-mail of today(which got deleted).
The writer even "created" a "relative" I didn't know existed. The typical spelling errors are inherent.


"Attn:Lawreston Crute

This mail may come to you as a surprise but I plead with you to patiently read through it before making a decision whether
to assist me or not. I am Mr. John Cole the personal account officer to Mr. Mark Crute , a national of your country who is an
oil consultant / contractor with the Kenya oil corporation.

On the 2nd of February 1999 my customer made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for Twelve Calendar months, valued at
US$6,500,000.00 (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) in my branch. Unfortunately, on the 14th of January 2000, 14:22
GMT, Mr. Mark, wife and their only daughter perished air crash on there way back to their home in Nairobi Kenya.

All passengers aboard lost their lives and no where to find them till today, may the soul of those who lost their lives and
families rest in peace, Amen. Click on the website for details of the crash.

Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my customer extended relatives this has also
proved unsuccessful. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 10 years now, I seek your consent to
present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you are a foreigner and also have the same last name with Mark, so that
the proceeds of this account valued at $6,500,000.00 (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) can be paid to you then you
and I can share the money 50% to me and 50% to you.

I have all necessary documents that will empower you to make this claim. According to financial laws of Republic of Kenya, at
the expiration of 10 years and 6 month the money will revert to the ownership of the Kenya government as unclaimed deposit of
a deceased customer.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see that this blessing come through. I guarantee that this will be
executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. There is no risk because all the
documents for this transaction is intact with me, and my position as personal account officer to late Mr. Mark guarantees the
successful execution of this transaction

If you are interested in giving the required assistance, kindly reply this mail stating your full name, address and
Telephone / Fax numbers for further action.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

John Cole"
I've always wanted to go along with these guys just to see how it goes down. Seems like it would be fun to waste their time.
I've always wanted to go along with these guys just to see how it goes down. Seems like it would be fun to waste their time.
It is. I do it all the time.
I've always wanted to go along with these guys just to see how it goes down. Seems like it would be fun to waste their time.

A while ago someone posted here about a group that scams the scammers I think they call them 419 Scams this chan of letter was one of the funniest I have read. I was cracking up the mark took the scammer for $25.00 it was a hoot.
I"m sorry to hear of your loss.
