Now boarding United Flight 93...

Frankly, it is my opinion that someone should be fired over that.

Are you serious? It was a glitch - and they identified it and addressed it. It may have been a faux pas, but I don't think it was some gross negligence.

Heck, if it was Eastern, the flight number would never have been retired.
I think we can still show respect and avoid dishonoring anyone, without tying up a specific sequence of numbers for all eternity. I still don't understand the 13th floor thing.
Well, SOMEONE should have caught it before it went live. Maybe fired is a little strong, but it shouldn't have happened.
Well, SOMEONE should have caught it before it went live. Maybe fired is a little strong, but it shouldn't have happened.

No question. I'm betting that CO didn't have it blocked and the UA flights got mapped into a CO assignment system. The IT folks probably never thought about it in their quest to get the integration task done.

It shouldn't have happened, but having led M&A integration teams I completely understand how it did happen. If they're using CO IT technology, it probably didn't get flagged in a transition. Wonder if Flt 232 got assigned...
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ALPA brass need to get their brains checked by a competent mental health professional. This is basically the level of Brits who RAZED THE BUILDING where some kids were shot. Jeez. Show respect by eliminating Islamists wherever you find them, that's the real respect for their victims!
Explain. What did ALPA have to do with it?

They're blowing it out of proportion. An honest mistake turns into the standard Union vs. Employer argument.

"They're evil, and they want to steal our children," says ALPA Spokesman. A representative from United Airlines declined an interview, but sent an statement that said that United "doesn't steal children, it borrows them and returns then when they're done."

Or, more accurately:
"The thought of anyone among management at United Airlines to even consider reinstating these two sacred flight numbers on the heels of Osama bin Laden's death -- demonstrates a severe disconnect from right and wrong," said Wendy Morse, head of the pilot's council for United Airlines."

United -
"This happened late Monday evening and we found out early this morning and immediately removed those flight numbers."
There are no satisfying ways to give those victims all the respect they deserve. But, of all the things to get worked up about vis a vis 9/11 and the resulting world we live in, reusing inadvertently or otherwise, the flight numbers from those flights isn't going to make my list of things we should spend any energy on. People need to take responsibility themselves for their bunched up panties. Seriously? In fact, I think just the opposite - when righteous indignation is vented over something as trivial as this, it cheapens the memory of those victims.
Are you serious? It was a glitch - and they identified it and addressed it. It may have been a faux pas, but I don't think it was some gross negligence.

Heck, if it was Eastern, the flight number would never have been retired.


Sometimes people just look for a reason to express frustration in any avenue they can.
....and an alternate view: A champion always gets back up after being knocked down.
All of them? Even the children?

I find your prejudice disturbing.
Zaitcev might have been talking about a small group of Moslems that do the terrorism.

I seem to remember CNN making a big thing about "Islamist" being an Islam extremist some years back, and they coined this word to distinguish the extremists from other Islamic peoples.
Zaitcev might have been talking about a small group of Moslems that do the terrorism.

I seem to remember CNN making a big thing about "Islamist" being an Islam extremist some years back, and they coined this word to distinguish the extremists from other Islamic peoples.

My bad. I wasn't familiar with the term.
This is basically the level of Brits who RAZED THE BUILDING where some kids were shot. Jeez. Show respect by eliminating Islamists wherever you find them, that's the real respect for their victims!

The Amish razed the schoolhouse in Nickle Mines where kids were shot and built another one. Was that disrespectful?
I think we can still show respect and avoid dishonoring anyone, without tying up a specific sequence of numbers for all eternity. I still don't understand the 13th floor thing.

I concur.
Am I thenonly one who would have glady boarded that flight?
If you take the average person who gets on an airline flight I'll bet that 90% would not have noticed the flight number.
Oh, I don't know. Last time I took math, I believe there were an infinite number of numbers. :rofl:

Alt text: "The Wikipedia page 'List of Numbers' opens with 'This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it."