Note to self.....


Apr 3, 2005
Hughesville, PA
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:redface: Remember to open soda slowly in an unpreasurized airplane at 9500ft...
Ken, You better only be putting Mustard on that brat :yes:

:no:No Ketchup:no:
Also, don't put large sealed bag of chips in back seat when climbing more than 7,000 ft in unpressurized cabin.
Better to just drink water anyways ;)

Is there Caffinated water out there????

I stopped for the Dr. Pepper on the way to the airport because it had been a long tireing weekend and I relized that once I stopped running around and sat still for a few hours, I might need some help keeping alert and coffee just makes me have to PEE.

So somewhere over Cleavland as I dug into the lunch my mom packed me (which I was so amazed by I was prompted to ask "Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" She didn't pack me a lunch when I was in first grade!), I opened the Tasty Dr. Pepper a little to quickly... as it degassed I tried to reseal it... but not before I got a little shower. :redface: I grabbed the paper towel around the washed apple (really who are you and what have you done to my mother?) to sop up the soda off my legs before ran off to any part of the airplane... who cares that I look like I didn't make it to the bathroom in time.

I then slowly released the rest of the gas out of the Dr. Pepper and drank it... all be it a little sticky. I was lucky that I had wet wipes in my bag from the air races or I would have made the yoke sticky with my sticky hands.
You'll only do that once.

Evidentally I didn't learn the first time.... :redface: I remembered it as I was opening the Dr. Pepper and thinking, gee it's not been turblant up here wonder why... DOH! I'm at 9500ft and unpreasurized. I've done this before.... I should know better.
Even better, 5 Hour Energy drink. Only a few ounces, so you won't need to run to the washroom, either! And non-carbonated!
:redface: Remember to open soda slowly in an unpreasurized airplane at 9500ft...

The elevation change isn't so bad in itself. I've taken pops from SL to 12K with no problem. It's all the bouncing around on warm summer days that makes it go pop pppppssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. 12oz pop can my butt, it's more like 35 gallons at 200psi. Bad news is that since it was a pop can, once it starts there's nothing you can do except wait as it fills up your seat. The good news is that you can scoot over and fly from the right seat until you get to where you're going. (That empty left seat, well, empty if you don't include 20 gallons of pop and assorted rags, looks pretty weird in flight the first time you do it solo)
Same thing applies to my unpressurised house at 8000' MSL :goofy:

Every now and then I wonder if the soda pop companies make a special version for high altitude markets. From your post I'd guess not.
Also, remember to turn the master switch off after you arrive at fly-ins.
The elevation change isn't so bad in itself. I've taken pops from SL to 12K with no problem. It's all the bouncing around on warm summer days that makes it go pop pppppssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
I'm going to agree with this theory. I don't have a problem opening pop cans at home at 6,400' or in an airplane pressurized to 8,000'. Potato chip bags in an unpressurized baggage compartment are another story...
I'm going to agree with this theory. I don't have a problem opening pop cans at home at 6,400' or in an airplane pressurized to 8,000'. Potato chip bags in an unpressurized baggage compartment are another story...

Ahhh yes...back in the day when I was working the line in Ames, the 414 came back from a charter. They had taken a basket full of single serving chips, and cookies, and such. Well, on this particular flight the pressurization decided not to work quite right. I spent a long afternoon vacuuming parts of that plane that I didn't know exist.
Thats Why They Call It A BLONDE MOMENT Missa :yes:

You have met Missa, so you should know she is definitely NOT blonde.

However, I might allow her honorary membership into the elite group of people with hair that reflects most of the sun's radiation, thus causing a decrease in brain function for the described act! :goofy:

I was driving somewhere once with a girl I was dating a few years ago. Since I am used to making road trips by myself, whenever I get a drink I'm used to opening it myself, etc. But, she wanted to be helpful. So, I asked for my bottled Frappuccino (Starbucks has made so much money off of me...) which she then shook for me and opened. She then handed it to me, ready to drink, and I shook it without thinking - top off.

That made for an interesting few miles until the next rest stop! At least it wasn't in the plane! :yes:
Is there Caffinated water out there????

There is a substitute out there that you should try sometime. It's called SLEEP. It sounds like some radical hippie thing, I know, but you should give it a shot. :D
:redface: Remember to open soda slowly in an unpreasurized airplane at 9500ft...

Or open it on the ground and poor it into one of those water
bottles like you carry on a bike. Open the thing at the top just
enough to let the pressure equalize.

Don't ask me how I know.

Scott beat me to it. But before you ever ask if they make caffinated anything, check here first. :D

Water, lollipops, mints, soaps....

The BIG item is that it needed to be readily aviable at the local Gas station convience store. Ordeing it online would have been a bit more delaying then the stop at the gas station.
The BIG item is that it needed to be readily aviable at the local Gas station convience store. Ordeing it online would have been a bit more delaying then the stop at the gas station.
You'd be surprised what will turn up in the beverage department of your local GS.
Just don't get the matching shoes ;)

Got those the weekend before... but they were more "Coordinating" then Matching.

I was crossing a river on stepping stones in gym shoes while camping... I missed a stone.
Thank goodness you didn't say "Mr. Pibb".... :eek:

Yeah, dude didn't even get his degree...

(Thank you, Mitch Hedberg...)

I was driving somewhere once with a girl I was dating a few years ago. Since I am used to making road trips by myself, whenever I get a drink I'm used to opening it myself, etc. But, she wanted to be helpful. So, I asked for my bottled Frappuccino (Starbucks has made so much money off of me...) which she then shook for me and opened. She then handed it to me, ready to drink, and I shook it without thinking - top off.

LOL! I had a girlfriend do the EXACT same thing, with a Frappucino no less! :rofl: