NOTAMS - giving directions on radials from VOR


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 18, 2005
kojc, kixd, k34
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I was just checking NOTAMS for a flight I'm planning. Something caught my eye for an airport near me - it won't affect me at all, but I thought it was interesting.

Olathe KS (Johnson County Executive) [OJC]: April NOTAM #9 Airspace unmanned aircraft WITHIN AN area DEFINED as .5NM RADIUS of 7 nautical miles on the 015° radial of Johnson County [OJC VOR] .5 SFC - 200FT above ground level April 22nd, 2015 at 02:00 PM CDT (1504221900) - May 08th, 2015 at 04:00 PM CDT (1505082100)

Olathe KS (Johnson County Executive) [OJC]: April NOTAM #10 Airspace unmanned aircraft WITHIN AN area DEFINED as .5NM RADIUS of 8 nautical miles north of Johnson County [OJC VOR] SFC - 200FT above ground level April 22nd, 2015 at 02:00 PM CDT (1504221900) - May 08th, 2015 at 04:00 PM CDT (1505082100)

Both these NOTAMS give a location based on a distance and radial from the OJC VOR. That VOR is decommissioned. When I drove by it a couple days ago, I didn't notice the antenna even being there anymore. The VOR array was removed a while ago, but the DME was still working so part of the antenna was still there. I don't think that's even the case anymore.

Olathe KS (Johnson County Executive) [OJC]:
May NOTAM #15 Navigation VOR DECOMMISSIONED May 31st, 2014 at 12:36 PM CDT (1405311736) - {permanent, permission}

Olathe KS (Johnson County Executive) [OJC]: September NOTAM #16 Navigation VOR / DME DECOMMISSIONED September 29th, 2014 at 08:22 AM CDT (1409291322) - {permanent, permission}

The VOR symbol and compass rose still shows on a sectional, but the freq has been hash-marked out.

As long as there is still a reference on the sectional, NOTAMS use it?
So? it's still charted. Nobody said you had to be able to navigate via it. You can have F/R/D indications from VORs that lack DME capability. This one happens to lack azimuth capability.
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