non-business, one person, ownership - Corp registration or just your name?

For those that own an aircraft, personal use only, registered in your name or in an LLC?

  • LLC or some other type of corporation

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Brad W

Pattern Altitude
Nov 19, 2019
NE Florida
Display Name

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This survey is meant only for folks who own an aircraft individually, just for personal PPL type useage.
not partnerships or clubs
not leasebacks or other business situations

The other thread currently running about buying an experimental, has gone off onto a conversation about the merits of LLC registration ( or lack thereof)
Gist as I understand it is
- it offers no real personal liability protection
- and the only real reason or advantage to do it is for things such as adding or removing partners and or selling the whole shebang without tax penalties

So I'm curious, as a percentage, how many folks just register their planes in their own names?
Mine is just registered in my name.

I am buying an aerobatic plane that will be used for some dual only training. I am looking into thoughts on LLC or Sub-S or whatever to allow me to offset the income from providing training with the costs of operation.