Night Ops - impacted trees

Glad they are safe, sad another nice GA plane out of the flying inventory.
Yes, work the high side, check NOTAMS. Some airports are less suited to night flying, especially for transients.
I have been to airports where There were no NOTAM for INOP PAPI, but they weren’t working, the worst part was in one case (during my second solo) it constantly showed we were high, when we were not.
There is one airport I know out here that doesn’t show PAPI / VASI in the chart, but there is one, the reason it’s not listed is, they didn’t bother to get FAA involved to certify the VASI or whatever process you have to go thru to get those lights certified/ get on the charts. Their logic is, it works just fine or just don’t use it. Sigh.

Anyway, at night I always backup with RNAV/ ILS whatever or stay away from podunk places I am not familiar with.
Just a ways down the road from me. This is why you stay high at night. Both runways at Cynthiana have PAPI.

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I’m not sure that “staying high” on final is the answer. I’ve seen it in almost every video posted here. People like to drag it in on short final. They land on the numbers, or close to it. A proper final, in most cases should be stabilized to touch down at 1000’. Coincidentally (not really coincidence) that’s where the PAPI, and electronic glide slope will bring you.
Yes, work the high side, check NOTAMS. Some airports are less suited to night flying, especially for transients.

This plane was from Lexington which is a mere 25 NM jaunt. They “should” be familiar with the area.

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I’m not sure that “staying high” on final is the answer. I’ve seen it in almost every video posted here. People like to drag it in on short final. They land on the numbers, or close to it. A proper final, in most cases should be stabilized to touch down at 1000’. Coincidentally (not really coincidence) that’s where the PAPI, and electronic glide slope will bring you.

Seems they weren’t even on the PAPI glideslope.

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There was a plane that hit a tree in the Midwest(MI) I think a few years ago, similar scenario. If I suggest ‘starting high’, what I mean is error on the high side UNTIL you have confirmation of where you want to be. That could be a VASI, PAPI, or possible the runway itself. I certainly don’t mean stay high so you land midfield.

Another plan of action is to overfly the runway at 1000’(no obstructions/terrain) then orientate yourself with a pattern entry.

One has to back up some to the planning table. Some airports are much less suitable at night, remember that father/Son accident in MO ferrying home the new plane? As I recall there were few lights, or they were out.

Flying into a well lit field with a strong PAPI on the other hand, may as well be 2 in the afternoon.
I always stayed high on final at night. The hills are dark and so I wanted to not drag it in.

People don't always realise the dangers of crossing vast swathes of black at night. I'd be following highways to the airport at the very least.
This plane was from Lexington which is a mere 25 NM jaunt. They “should” be familiar with the area.

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Yeah, that's 45 nm or so from my old home base, have landed there several times (but I don't remember it at all.)
I'm one of those who drops in steeply if applicable, with as much of the runway ahead of me as possible.
One has to back up some to the planning table. Some airports are much less suitable at night, remember that father/Son accident in MO ferrying home the new plane? As I recall there were few lights, or they were out.

The departure from the seller's airport was delayed for unimportant reasons, which meant they would arrive at their destination after nightfall.

The airplane had an inoperative alternator, and when they arrived over the airport, the battery was dead, so they couldn't turn on the pilot activated runway lights. The ATP rated airline pilot had called his girlfriend with a cell phone, telling her to drive onto the airfield and shine her car headlights down the runway so they could see it.

While she was attempting to do so, the airplane ran out of fuel and crashed.

This was not, as you may have guessed, a good example of planning and ADM.