Nice write-up on Dr. Bruce

Dave Krall CFII said:
It's on the new AOPA ePilot ...way to go Doc!
It's in the ePilot email that everybody gets, too.

He deserves the recognition. They didn't mention that he's also on the AOPA medical board. He actually travels for that. Not only does he pay for the trip, more importantly he gives the time which is harder for him to come by.

That quick article doesn't even being to scratch how a lot of us feel about Bruce. What a guy. I look forward to meeting him some time.
Ghery said:
That quick article doesn't even being to scratch how a lot of us feel about Bruce. What a guy. I look forward to meeting him some time.
He's wonderful. Come to Gaston's next year. I'm sure he'll be there! (He rates the probability as "low", but I have faith in him!)