Nice Weekend 3/06-07/10


Line Up and Wait
Mar 13, 2008
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Sure was good to get the Viking Witch back in the air this past weekend. We took advantage of the temperature (melted snow) and got airborne on Saturday afternoon. Also took Ella, our new French Bulldog. She loved it and absolutely looked out the windows and down at the ground. It was funny, she'd look down towards the ground and then look back at Beth and I as if to say "Mom, Dad, this is cool!".

She'll be flying to camp-ins with us as soon as it warms up!

I wish Oshkosh allowed pets. :(

Hope ya'll had good sight seeing weather too!
Sure was good to get the Viking Witch back in the air this past weekend. We took advantage of the temperature (melted snow) and got airborne on Saturday afternoon. Also took Ella, our new French Bulldog. She loved it and absolutely looked out the windows and down at the ground. It was funny, she'd look down towards the ground and then look back at Beth and I as if to say "Mom, Dad, this is cool!".

She'll be flying to camp-ins with us as soon as it warms up!

I wish Oshkosh allowed pets. :(

Hope ya'll had good sight seeing weather too!

That is cool- I will always regret that I didn't try harder to get my Peg up in a plane with me, she would have enjoyed it, I'm sure.

BTW, you can bring pets to Airventure, but they are confined to a section of Camp Scholler, and not allowed in the event areas near the flight line.... FWIW.
Glad you got airborne. I took the Free Bird volant, but just for a BFR. Still, it was flying. The moogie dog rode in the old airplane, but dog number 2 is a wreck in cars, so I haven't yet tried the airplane thing and may not deign to do so.
BTW, you can bring pets to Airventure, but they are confined to a section of Camp Scholler, and not allowed in the event areas near the flight line.... FWIW.

REALLY!!!! That MAY Change Everything Batman! I just got the word that I'm in the list of 50 a/c to fly in the Cherokee Formation so I have to figure this out now. I may have to really think about bringing the 4 legged with us now. I don't want it to be too hot for her and I have to look over the logistics of doing so. But maybe........

Thank You Sir!
It really was a great weekend for flying up here. I took full advantage - Saturday and Sunday, added two more states to the list :D
REALLY!!!! That MAY Change Everything Batman! I just got the word that I'm in the list of 50 a/c to fly in the Cherokee Formation so I have to figure this out now. I may have to really think about bringing the 4 legged with us now. I don't want it to be too hot for her and I have to look over the logistics of doing so. But maybe........

Thank You Sir!

I'd have to think that the pup will not be happy at osh. Your gonna have to leave her alone to see any of the exhibits. That could be a major bummer.
Me too, Me too!!!!

In fact, I had so much fun and the wx was so great, I flew again Monday and Tuesday!!!!!
Another "me too"!! :yesnod:

Yes, well, sort of... logged 1.5 hours on Sunday, and a new field for me, 45G with its 24-foot-wide runway. Putting it right on the centerline wasn't even challenging, even with about an 8 knot (almost) direct crosswind. Something about narrow runways "concentrating the mind wonderfully"... :D