nice flight with Dad


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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had a student XC planned for tonight. found out last night that Dad was in Des Moines for some USPS training, so i rang him up to see if he wanted to come along. student and I were headed to Green Castle (IA24, for a piece of their wedensday night steak fry and meeting. Dad was happy to come along for an airplane ride and some food. Trip went great. trip home was nice flying into the setting sun. gusty winds greeted us at home, but oh well.

I realized that i hadnt flown with Dad since about a week before my CFI ride. thats over 4 years! The flight we had then was pretty lousy. I basically scud runned half way across the state. going IFR wouldve mean i was a popsicle. should've just drove or waited it out but i was stupid. dad wasnt as worried about that flight nearly as much as i was and i really beat myself up about it for a long time. OTOH he was a great help on the trip following along on the map and whatever. I definitely learned a lot about what not to do.

today was great though, just a bit bumpy. He was, as usual, a very willing and excited passenger. we had a great time and it was good to get the old man back up in the air.

I'm glad you had a great flight with your Dad. Nothing makes a Dad more happy than to be proud of their kids. In my opinion, he has a lot to be proud of.
My first flight with my dad was about the same. We took off in the Six and the upper door popped open. The bumps were so bad that I knew if I landed back at Black River he would not get back in. So I went to Menomonie, landed and re-closed the door took back off quick. I have never been in stuff so ruff since. I am sure he got out thinking I'll never do that again. He did decline or came up with excuses not to fly but rather to drive for the next year. Then he needed a ride to Wausaw from BRF. With his driving it was 2.5 hrs and he was late. We took the Viking, big tailwind and smooth. 15 min tops well over 200 mph. He got the "This is how bad it can be" and the "That was great" trips.

It's nice when things go right.


Some of my fondest memories are where I took my Dad on a trip before he passed. Glad you can do that; make the most of it.

Flights with Dad are number one on my list!!


I haven't had Dad up yet, but a short flight with my grandfather on board was probably one of my most satisfying flights to date. A C140 isn't the easiest thing to crawl into, and gramps isn't the most limber septigenarian I've ever seen. I've never seen such a display of will and "finesse" from him when he hopped in.

We went for a short ride around his hometown, and he took the opportunity to mention that he'd gotten some time in Luscombes back in the '50's, but never pursued a license.

He's still telling the story, and I can't describe how much it meant to me.
Things we don't even think of impress Dad.

After a flight from Dallas to San Deigo, he called all close family members and told them to quit worrying 'bout me when I fly. Said I was up there on an instrument flight plan with American and Southwest.

Up to that time, my immediately family members were all worried 'bout me in that 'little airplane'.


Yeah, taking the parents flying have been some of my most rewarding flights to date. I got to take my dad for a flight around the Pittsburgh area in September, shortly after getting my license, and I took my mom flying a few days later from the same airport. She had some other obligation the day that I took my dad flying. Then, I was able to take mom to lunch in Brenham when she came down to visit me a few weeks ago. When someone later asked her if she was nervous flying with me, she responded, "No, I'm not nervous at all with my son flying... I'm actually more nervous flying the airlines with someone I've never met up front!" That really meant a lot to me.
Sounds like fun, I finaly got my immeditae family up last summer before moving to Utah. That was the first time any of them have went for a hop and I had my license for eleven years by then. I know what that sounds like but noone ever had a desire to go I guess. In the end everyone loved it, especialy my eight nieces and nephews. I will make the old man go again sometime.