Dave Siciliano
Final Approach
Is everyone reading about how the newsprint business is dying? Well, I got my renewal subscription notice for the Dallas Morning News today. Last year, it cost $216 for a seven day a week subscription. This year, it's $360 to renew. Is that typical out there today?
I thought, well, this can't be right and called customer service. Got a nice young man and asked.
Well sir, that's the correct amount.
This is up over 40% from last year, why is that?
Well sir, we lost a lot of our advertising and materials increased in cost; so, we had to raise our prices.
O.K., I probably won't do that.
Well, I'll be. I may have to cancel the daily paper! I haven't continued anything where prices went up that amount in this economic environment.
This sounds like government policy making. They need more, so, you get to pay more; I think they're cutting their own throat.
I thought, well, this can't be right and called customer service. Got a nice young man and asked.
Well sir, that's the correct amount.
This is up over 40% from last year, why is that?
Well sir, we lost a lot of our advertising and materials increased in cost; so, we had to raise our prices.
O.K., I probably won't do that.
Well, I'll be. I may have to cancel the daily paper! I haven't continued anything where prices went up that amount in this economic environment.
This sounds like government policy making. They need more, so, you get to pay more; I think they're cutting their own throat.