News Reporter Slip Ups

There was a local meteorologist named Bill Schmidt back in the '80s, I was home one day and had the news on and some female reporter said, "And now for the weather here's Bill Sh* Schmidt." They continued without skipping a beat but the look on her face was priceless. That was so long ago I'm sure there's no video of it to be found.
Our local meteorologist back in the 1980's, 'Stormin' Norman' made the news by getting arrested for blowing a dude in a Macy's restroom.
Our local meteorologist back in the 1980's, 'Stormin' Norman' made the news by getting arrested for blowing a dude in a Macy's restroom.

Oh the good old days when perversion stayed underground. Unless you got caught of course.

I don't know, maybe it still is a thing.
Oh the good old days when perversion stayed underground. Unless you got caught of course.

I don't know, maybe it still is a thing.

Seems like when I started flying this was common among the weather people..... the meteorology department at the college close to where I grew up was one of the top spots for..uh... meetings.