New Years Aviation Resolutions

Fast n' Furious

Line Up and Wait
Mar 4, 2005
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Well here it is....the end of '05. Lots of really cool things happened in aviation this year such as the birth of this board (thanks guys, great job!), new pilots were certificated and some new ratings were achieved, and some folks even bought airplanes.
Sadly though, we're still tearing up airplanes and people in accidents that just don't need to happen. We can all do better than we're doing in training, operations, maintenance and awareness.
So that said, what is your safety resolution for '06? What is the one or two things that you're going to do prior to EVERY flight that maybe you don't do now to stay out of the statistics column?
Never interrupt anyone during a preflight for any reason. and never allow anyone to interrupt me during preflight. Start preflight over entirely if interrupted. do positive control checks all the time. And critical assembly checks if necessary. Thats a start, more will come.
I'm Going to get my Insturment Rating.
and try not to do anything foolish.

Dave G
Instrument rating, and hopefully if I can get a new job...enough money to knock my commercial out.
tonycondon said:
Never interrupt anyone during a preflight for any reason. and never allow anyone to interrupt me during preflight. Start preflight over entirely if interrupted. do positive control checks all the time. And critical assembly checks if necessary. Thats a start, more will come.
I don't like being interrupted during a pre-flight. But sometimes that interruption is something that can't wait, like a P-51 making a high speed pass or someone pointing out a requirement for immediate action.

In any case, I just put my hand on the plane at the point where I was interrupted, note what part of the plane I am touching and correlate that to a specific item in the checklist. Usually I back up one item to be sure I didn't miss anything. If in doubt, do it again.

I check controls free and correct so many times an observer might think I have Parkinson's as I taxi away. 'Course, I'm also doing a rolling IFR check--it's a habit, even for VFR flights.
Happy New Year!

Will earn Instrument rating. Will pick up again late January.


Happy new year!
This year I will get my commercial and get my first flying job.
I resolve not to do anything that would cause me to be splashed across the front page of USA Today. No, wait, that was last years resolution, and I was successful! This year I'm adding CNN. :yes:

I also don't want to be in the position of having any mishap analyzed on countless aviation message boards. :no:
Everskyward said:
I resolve not to do anything that would cause me to be splashed across the front page of USA Today. No, wait, that was last years resolution, and I was successful! This year I'm adding CNN. :yes:

I also don't want to be in the position of having any mishap analyzed on countless aviation message boards. :no:

Works for me. Mind if I borrow your resolution? :D
Happy New Year to all. I accomplished my resolution for this year (PPL). My resolution for 2006 is get my IR. And fly more than I did in 2005.