Is this website a good idea?

  • Yes?

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • no?

    Votes: 2 12.5%

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Filing Flight Plan
Aug 25, 2011
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jordan butler
Hello guys! I am thinking about creating a new website that would display aviation events across North America. It would work something like picking a general area such as maybe a state or sector of the North American map then it will send you to a page that displays dates and times for events all in that area! I was just hoping for some feedback from you guys? I am sadly not a pilot yet and think this whole project of mine depends on what you guys say! If you have any opinion or suggestions PLEASE feel free to share with me and everyone else down below. Thank you all!
There are several websites that do what you say you want your to do. I think you approach by asking pilots what they need in such a site is a good idea. While there are other sites, I just do not think that anyone of them has it all nailed yet. Take some time and look at those sites and see if you can improve upon them would be my suggestion.
Jordan: Information is king so if you provide it in a good format and has a very inuituve UI AND you don't charge users for access it would be a good idea.

You are probably aware of this but the information that you are seeking to creat a website for is already delivered in many formats by other sites. Some are free some are not. When the free sites go pay they seem to die a quick death. Not criticizing the attempt to make a buck just giving you my experience. That said there are way to earn money with the ultimate user paying a fee.

All that said if you create a good site with gobs of information and and great UI and add value to the free information folks will use it regardless of what else is out there. Best of luck!
Since I am seeing a lot of sort of question about fee, I will come out right now and say there will be no fee to use the information. As for making the site better then all of the rest, that is EXACTLY why I am here! So PLEASE PLEASE comment with your suggestions, I am VERY open to them all.
As others have said, information is key. It has to be accurate, timely, and as comprehensive as possible. Gathering and maintaining that information is probably the hardest part of the project, and it may not be something that can be automated, at least not completely. Phone calls to validate the information would be a good idea.

A way to push the information out to the users, maybe where they could set up a series of searches that automatically send them information would be good. E-mail and/or SMS. Maybe when an event of interest is added to the system. The e-mail should provide a way for the user to click and register an interest in the event, and automatically receive a reminder shortly (a user-defined term) before the event.

Monetizing the site could be done by charging for additional features, such as the reminder feature, or by advertisements.
If its an annual flyin allow for comments from folks who have been there in the past.
To my dismay I have noticed that NONE of the sites list every event. The primary reason for this is lack of timely notification provided by the event sponsors. Fix that problem and you could be on your way to having a winning website.
If you are wanting to do it small time and as a hobby go for it. I don't think you'll retire off of it. Websites are kind of hard for me to swallow trying to make money off of especially aviation ones. I've designed and implemented hundreds and have seen what flies and what doesn't. By going aviation only and then general aviation and then only the ones that want to go somewhere they don't already know about and then they aren't going to be repeat visitors all that often, I think you are looking at a REALLY small market. If you're going to charge now or eventually it probably will never go over well. If its free and you're looking to sell advertisements well that seems to be counterproductive to me since you want people to come to your site and stay, advertisers typically only pay for results (i.e. clicks) therefore you're mission will be to lure em in, then kick em out so you can cash in on them. I'm sure there is a happy medium, I've just not seen it. If you wanna do it for fun, do it. I wouldn't quit my day job though.