New To The Forum


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 12, 2024
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Hello everyone. I've read countless threads here but never joined up until today. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am just finishing up my initial flight training for PPL. I've got about 42 logged. I just need to finish out some solo time and do my check ride. I was going to wait to join the forum but I figured I would go ahead. I'm a 45 year old firefighter living in Northern VA. I was always a little afraid of flying but loved airplanes, airplane movies, books, museums... until one day my wife told me to stop dreaming and just do it. Well, I love it of course. Anyway... thats me. Hope to be a full private pilot soon!

Welcome to PoA and the SFRA! Where are you training?
Thanks! I am flying out of KHWY, though I live closer to KHEF.