My plane had an INOP ARC 328T, and I replaced it with a TKM MX300. Does the logbook entry have to have the S/N of the new radio? Or is it enough to say something like "removed Cessna ARC 328T nav/comm radio, installed TKM MX300"?
Is there a reason that you do not want to include the serial number?
You just got that plane right? C150?
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Yes. I'll tell you if you promise you won't laugh
I don't have it, because someone (that would be me I guess) pushed it in to try it, and I didn't write down the serial nr's. And since it works, I don't want to touch it.
I got insanely lucky. The plane had an INOP ARC when I bought it. A guy who's parked 10 minutes away from me offered me a MX300, with the correct black faceplate, in "not sure if it works" condition, for pretty much pizza money. And the darn thing works!
Yep, bought it 2 weeks ago!
Tag? What tag?Well, if you can't or aren't willing to pull the number off of the unit it should at least be on the parts tag that it came with.