New member here.


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 24, 2012
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Hey guys,

I just joined the forum today and look forward to talking to you guys. I am a 22 year old college senior.I fly in south alabama, and just got my CSEL rating last weekend. Now I am starting to work on getting my CFI and CFII ratings. I plan on doing this for a career and am always looking to make more networking contacts.

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Welcome. Dive in. The water's fine. There's a couple sharks but they don't bite too hard. :)
Hey guys,

I just joined the forum today and look forward to talking to you guys. I am a 22 year old college senior.I fly in south alabama, and just got my CSEL rating last weekend. Now I am starting to work on getting my CFI and CFII ratings. I plan on doing this for a career and am always looking to make more networking contacts.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Congrats and welcome
Hello, glad to have another southerner aboard.

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Welcome'll learn a lot here...and some of it may even be true. And as an added bonus a little of it will actually be useful. :D
Got a few hours flying around LA (Rucker). Welcome to POA.